Spike Me and Save Me

Save You

Ray’s P.O.V.

Worm was driving home. He had left the room right after Gerard had gotten the needle in, and had stayed outside the door the entire time. I guess it was too soon for him. I sat in the front seat, but kept turning around – twisting my back and neck in a way that couldn’t possibly be healthy – to participate in the discussion in the back.

“Shut up!” Frank yelled a fourth time. “You obviously have no music taste, whatsoever!” We had a discussion of which band was better live, and no one agreed on anything. Even Gerard participated in dissing everyone else. I guess there are always areas, where we will never find a common ground.

“I might not, but at least I have eyes and ears that actually work!” Gerard yelled back. Even though the entire fight had gotten quite heated, it was still all in good spirit. I love that about this band.
Suddenly the volume of the radio became really loud, and I turned to Worm.

“Now THAT is great music!” he yelled. The entire car got filled with horrible accordion music. I had no idea how he had found it, but I quickly pressed some random button to make the horrible noise stop.

“My ears!” Frank cried out as he sank down in his seat and held his hands over his ears. “They’re bleeding!” I laughed hard. So did Worm. Mikey giggled a bit, which comforted me – it had been a long time since I’d heard him laugh. I didn’t notice that Gerard was silent, before he mumbled something and I stopped laughing.

“What?” Frank said calmly.

“Stop the car”, Gerard mumbled. I turned around and saw Frank holding an almost green-faced Gerard by the shoulders. Mikey was leaning in over Frank’s legs and held onto one of Gerard’s knee.

“We’re in the middle of the highway, Gee”, Worm said over his shoulder. He had obviously not seen how badly Gerard looked.

“Stop the car!” Gerard yelled before one of his hands flew up and covered his collarbones, as if he was trying to hold down what was coming up. The car swung violently to the right and quickly stopped. Even before the car had come to a complete stop – which I thought had happened quite fast – Gerard had opened the door and unplugged his seat belt. When the car stopped, he flew out of the car and took a few, fast stumbles towards the ditch. I heard honking cars race by, but I didn’t care about those assholes. I opened my door to get out, but didn’t get far – the seat belt. I unplugged it and got out – by then Frank was already by Gerard’s side, and held on to him as he vomited. Mikey stood on the other side of the back seat door. We were both frozen. Worm was still in the car.
Gerard coughed once more. I looked at his hunched over body struggling hard to keep up with his stomach’s spasms. His hands were on his knees for support. His angles were bended outwards. Suddenly I realized I had seen this before. It reminded me of the footage we had seen for Life On the Murder Scene. I breathed in a sharp – yet shaky – breath, before my sight got blurry from the tears. This time I can’t save him.

Frank’s P.O.V.

I focused on Gerard’s eyes, while holding him up – I didn’t want to see what came out of him, yet I didn’t want to leave his side. I’m here, babe.
He was trembling slightly, and I held onto him tighter. He coughed one last time, before his body seemed to relax. He was still trembling as I helped him back to the car. Mikey jumped into the car and received Gerard as I supported him on the way into the car. I got in next to him. He was leaning up against Mikey’s shoulder, and Mikey was slowly stroking Gerard’s damp hair. I closed the door and locked the seat belt in unison with Ray. I smiled within myself at our synchronized movements, before I looked over at Worm. He was frozen – looking out on the road. Ray placed a hand on his shoulder, which seemed to pull him out of his gaze, but he didn’t look back at us. He just started the car and drove. I felt sorry for him. He’s forced to face this. He shouldn’t be forced.

Bob’s P.O.V.

I was lying in my bunk – music blasting into my ears. I didn’t bother looking at a clock, but I it seemed that it had been quite a while since they all left. Four albums are about 3 or 4 hours. Does it usually take this long?
Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I opened my eyes, pulled my earphones out of my ears and looked at the display. Ray.

“Hello”, I said, my voice cracking a bit. Not talking for four hours does that to you.

“Hey Bob! It’s Ray”, the other end called out. I heard the noise of a car between his words.
“We’re on our way home. We’ll be there in about 5 minutes or so.” There was a slight pause.

“Okay”, I interrupted. “Sorry”, I said to get him to finish his sentence.

“Uhm, could you make up the bed in the back? Ya know, the couch?” I frowned a bit. In reality I could probably have made sense of it myself if I had used my brain for a second, but instead I asked Ray why.
“It’s closer to the bathroom if Gerard’s gonna throw up again, and it’s easier accessible. Also, could you find blankets – as many as you can.” I frowned again. Blankets?

“Okay”, I said, deciding to save the questions for when they had gotten home.

“Okay! See ya”, Ray said and hung up before I could answer back. I got out of my bunk and made up the bed, with no idea of what was coming up.