Spike Me and Save Me

I Surrender

Gerard’s P.O.V.

I woke up in a hospital – the sterile smell being way too familiar. I flickered my eyes while adjusting to the bright, white light. I turned my head slightly to the right, when I saw Frank staring at me.

“Hey there”, he said quietly, his voice filled with care. He smiled crooked with his lips closed – a smile which made everything better. I looked into his eyes, which were sparkling in the bright light. I thought I was just imagining things, but suddenly a tear rolled down his cheek. He was crying.

“Don’t cry.” I placed my hand on his cheek to catch the tear. It landed on my index finger, then rolled down the back my hand and dried out before it reached my wrist. My skin had absorbed it. Now a part of Frank is inside of me.
This moment was so poetic. I placed my hand back on my stomach as my thoughts trailed off. I imagined my lips meeting Frank’s, tongues entangling in sweet passion and pure love.
I shifted to make my dream come true, but failed and just slid further down on the bed.

“Just relax”, Frank said, placing a hand on my shoulder. “You have to stay here for a little while anyways, so there’s no reason to get up.” I let myself relax and sink into the bed. I usually hated hospitals, but Frank made me forget it completely. As long as he was there, I was invincible.

Frank’s P.O.V.

I realized how awkward it was having my hand on his shoulder for that long, so I quickly withdrew it. I felt my face getting warm – realizing that I was blushing, I looked down at my hands, trying to hide it from Gerard. Hopefully he hadn’t noticed. I tried acting cool around him – just being his friend. I knew my feelings would never matter. He was straight – nothing would ever happen. Yet I couldn’t help thinking there might’ve been a chance. I mean; he broke up with Eliza. I didn’t know why – they seemed happy. He might’ve been unsure of his sexuality.
No! Stop it Frank! He’s straight! There’s no chance in hell. Just knock it out of your head.
Suddenly I saw Mikey in the corner of my eye.

“Hey, man. You’re up! How are you feeling?” Mikey said as he took long steps, quickly getting to the bed. I moved back in my chair to make room for him.

“I’m cool”, Gerard answered. “The worse thing is the fact that I’m stuck in a hospital.” He smiled lightly, trying to make a joke out of it. Mikey didn’t smile back. He wasn’t one for jokes in a hospital. Suddenly it hit me – he wasn’t supposed to be here. He…
“What’re you doing here, anyway?” Gerard asked, before I even had a chance to finish my thought. “Aren’t you supposed to be on your honeymoon? Where the hell is Alicia?”

“Well, how the hell am I supposed to relax when my brother is in the hospital? And don’t worry, I didn’t leave Alicia in Hawaii – she’s out in the hall.” Mikey said and threw his thumb over his shoulder, pointing towards the door. I started to feel like I should leave, so I silently got out of the chair and headed for the door.

“Didn’t they tell you it wasn’t that serious? I mean, come on! I just bumped my head”, Gerard said behind me as I slowly walked towards the door. “Frank, what did you guys tell him – that I was dying or something?” I froze for a second, then turned around to face him and Mikey whom were both staring at me.

“No. I mean… I wasn’t the one who called”, I said, trying to get myself out of the situation. For some reason it was uncomfortable to be there. It almost felt as if they were mad at me.

“Bob was the one who called me”, Mikey said, saving my ass. He turned his face towards Gerard and continued defending me. “He told me you hit your head, got a concussion and blacked out. To me that’s pretty serious!”

“Okay, but at least tell me you didn’t cut your vacation short”, Gerard said, continuing to make his situation less dramatic. I started to sneak out again, this time making it all the way out. I closed the door behind me, as I saw Alicia sitting on a plastic chair across from the room. She was staring at her phone and didn’t notice me.

“Hey Alicia. How was the honeymoon?” I asked, as I walked towards her. Her eyes shot up and a smile appeared across her face. I sat on the chair next to her.
She started telling me about almost everything they did – what they saw, who they met, and all sorts of stuff. I tried to listen, but I kept losing concentration – I kept worrying about Gerard. When I couldn’t see him, I was afraid that he would get more hurt. I wanted to be in there protecting him. But then again I was the reason he fell, so I might just hurt him again if I went back in. I was an idiot for placing my suitcase there – even if it was just temporary. I’m such a fucking idiot sometimes!

Gerard’s P.O.V.

The doctor walked in just as I had gotten Mikey to sit down, relax and realize that I was fine.

“Hello, Mr. Way. I’m Doctor Peterson,” he said, first shaking my hand, then Mikey’s.

“Hi, I’m Michael Way, Gerard’s brother”, Mikey said when doctor Peterson looked at him with a questionable look. Peterson nodded a hello, then turned his attention back to me.

“So, you got a pretty bad concussion, which caused you to black out. We’d like to keep you under observation, just to make sure that you’re completely okay. How are you feeling so far?”

“I’m cool. I mean… I’m feeling okay”, I said, finding it hard to describe how I felt, since I hadn’t really considered it.

“No nausea, headaches or discomfort in any way?”

“No! No. I’m feeling good. None of that.”

“Okay. Then I’m just going to leave again and check in on you later. Unless you have any further questions?” Doctor Peterson asked, placing my chart back onto the foot of the bed.

“Actually, I have just one more question”, I said. I looked up at Mikey, hoping he would catch my hint for him to leave. I didn’t mean to be rude, but I had a question for Peterson that I didn’t want him to hear.

“I’m gonna go check on Alicia. Can’t leave your wife alone for too long, right?” Mikey said, confirming that he had caught my hint. I gave him a vague smile, before he patted my hand and headed for the door. When I heard the door close, I took a deep breath and looked at Doctor Peterson.