Status: indefinite hiatus

Siren's Song

I Got Distracted...

“…and I - no lie - got up there, saw all of those people, and passed out, falling off the stage, and into the lap of some stranger in the front row! Needless to say, I never did a school play again!”

We’d been at the coffee shop for almost an hour, just exchanging stories. For such a big-shot, I was surprised how funny he could be. He didn’t seem to realize it though, never really laughing. Occasionally, after sharing something with him though, he would smile, and that made it worth it.

Wow. Do I sound like a sap, or what?

“And this was in kindergarten? In front of forty people?” Now I was granted a small chuckle.

“Hey! Don’t laugh at me! I was three feet tall. It seemed like a lot of people!” He simply shook his head.

“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind - laughing is bad,” he stated, smiling, but with a surprisingly sober expression. Now it was my turn to laugh.

“Now, that’s hardly fair. If anything, you don’t seem to laugh enough!”

“So I can laugh, but not at you?”

“Exactly!” Again, he chuckled, and I laughed with him. Somewhere, a clock struck, and he frowned.

“God. I’m so sorry. I’ve got to be at a meeting,” he said, seeming genuinely sorry.

“It’s okay. Go on. I don’t want to make you late.” We both got up from the table, and he crossed to my side.

“Actually, I think I have to make it up to you. Leaving so soon, I mean.”

“Oh?” I smirked.

“Yes. I think I owe you dinner.”

“Ah… Again with the owing. Really, Bruce, if you want to take me to dinner, all you have to do is ask.”

“Well, in that case, would you like to go to dinner Saturday night?” I smiled.

“I would love to.”

“I’m glad. Can I pick you up?”

“Actually, I’m already supposed to be in town, so can we just meet here?”

“Sure. Again, I’m sorry, but I have to go.” And, always the gentleman, he kissed my hand and left.

After Bruce left, I stood for a minute trying to decide what to do next. I could return to the warehouse, or I could swing by to Ivy like I’d originally intended. I debated for a minute, before deciding to go see Ivy.


“Oh, Ivy!” I called out upon entering her massive garden.

“Ooh… Is that really Isabelle Napier’s voice I hear again in my garden after all this time?” I smirked as I walked further into the garden.

“Oh, Ivy, don’t be like that. It’s only been a couple of weeks.”

“Well,” she said as she came around a corner to stand in front of me, “it seems like longer. You used to come by more.”

“Sorry about that. Things have been wild. I was going to come see you earlier but I got distracted.”

“Distracted?” she repeated as we walked towards her main room. “You were too distracted to come and pay me a visit?” She sounded offended. “What could possibly distract you to the point where you didn’t have time for me?”

“I never said I didn’t have time for you! It just got… pushed back a bit.”


“And what?” I said innocently.

“What distracted you?!”

“Oh. I just ran into someone.”

“You don’t know enough people to randomly run into someone.” I narrowed my eyes.

“Gee. Thanks,” I said flatly. “I meant it literally. I ran into someone.”

“There’s more than that.” It was a statement, not a question. I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, there’s more. We talked and he bought me coffee.” She looked at me expectantly. I sighed. “And he asked me to dinner Saturday.”

“Really? And you said…?” I sighed again.

“And I said yes.”

“Ooh, the Siren is going on a date? Whatever will Daddy say?” she teased.

“Daddy will have a fit and probably shoot someone. But I’m okay with that, because it won’t be me! Maybe I’ll even get lucky and a stray bullet will hit Harley..”

“Aside from the viciousness in that statement, I have more questions.”

“Of course you do.”

“The biggest one, obviously, is who’s the lucky guy?” She seemed interested. Well, for a moment.

“Not telling.” Her face fell.

“Are you serious?”

“Absolutely. I don’t need you - or my father for that matter - nosing around.”

“Well, you’re certainly no fun.” I shrugged, and was about to point out that I was okay with that, when my phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket.


“Tone, Bells.” I rolled my eyes.

“Sorry, Daddy.”

“Hurry up. We’re paying a visit to some old friends.”

“Oh, goody,” I said sarcastically. He said nothing, just hung up.

“You have to go?”


“Oh! You just got here! I better see you here again, soon, and get all the details of your little date.”

I ignored her, rolling my eyes and walking out, wondering what my father could possibly have planned now.
♠ ♠ ♠
I said I was waiting for feedback.
Apparently I lied.
Thank you to my new subscriber, by the way.

Seriously, though, I really want to know what you guys think.
And since I posted four times today, I'm going to wait for a response before I do anything.

Thanks also to extra.classy for getting back to me when I asked.
You guys should check her out.
I LOVE her story.
Haha yeah I'm advertising.