I'm Not Okay

Honey, this mirror isn't big enough for the two of

A week had passed and I had already talked to Brennan over plans. We were going to meet right outside the entrance to the stage since we were going backstage before and after. The concert was going to be tomorrow at 9pm and Thank God because me and Haley were still trying to figure out what the hell we were going to wear. Haley was sleeping over my house tonight so we could get up early in the morning and go clothes shopping some more.

All night we played the My Chemical Romance album and music videos and sang until our throats burned and we had to take Advil. Then we just talked about what might happen, because this was going to be my very first MCR concert. We debated on whether he would recognize me or think that I was crazy. I had no idea but I was starting to get worried...What if he didn't want to see me and that was the reason he left? I didn't know and I didn't know if I wanted to find out.

I fell asleep listening to My Chem blast in my ears and hoping it would all be okay tomorrow.

"LILY ELENA SEELY!" Haley yanked my earphones out and woke me up. She had Starbucks and that was ALL I cared about...

After we had finished our coffee, I remembered that we were going to the MCR concert today.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed. Haley half dropped her coffee and slapped me upside thre head.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" She yelled.
"Oh. Sorry....THE MCR CONCERT IS TONIGHT!" I yelled. We had made a game of it...
"OMG! YOU'RE RIGHT!" She yelled, smiling.

So we went back to Hot Topic and scanned the clothes aisles. When we both found what we wanted, we went back home to get ready. It was 3pm when we got back so we didn't have that much time.

"Honey, this mirror isn't big enough for the two of us." I said pushing her aside so I look into the mirror. I snickered realising that that was a song name. Maybe that was how they came up with it....hmm.... I'd have to ask.

'MY CELL MATES A KILLA, THEY MAKE ME DO PUSHUPS IN TRACK!' Gerard's voice echoed through my speakers as we put on more mascara.