Tre's mystery girl

here's me imagining we'll meet soon,or maybe it's

*Jemma's POV*
Last night rocked! I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of green day before, where have they been all my life? I waited around for hours after the show had finished, hoping Tre might come out and see me but he didn’t. I bet he doesn’t even remember me, but then why would he? I’m just a brit who he talked to one night on their UK tour.

I’m sitting in a stuffy office at work and that’s all I do, all day. It doesn’t matter; right now I’m just thinking what Tre might be doing. It’s almost 6, so he’ll probably be getting ready for another night on the town. Lucky him, I don’t know what I’ve done with my life, ok I’m only 26,but I’m not qualified to do anything other that sit typing on a computer for hours on end. I used to be quite interested in art, but I never really got anywhere with it.

*Tre's POV*
I wonder what she’s doing right now, probably sitting in her office at some big fancy company in London. I miss her so much, and yet there’s nothing I can do to find her. We’ve got one more week in the UK and then we’re off to Germany. I’m hoping we’ll meet again, or it’s practically hopeless.

The guys asked me if I wanted to go back to the bar I met her in, see if anyone knew her, but I told them I didn’t feel too good, that I’d gone a bit mad on the drums last night. They still went. They seem more determined to find her than I am. Maybe that’s a good thing, so I don’t get too upset if I don’t find her.
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thanks everyone for reading,i'll try and keep it updated but i have my SAT's next week.please comment!