Tre's mystery girl

chapter 4

*Jemma's POV*
A girl who’s met Green Day’s gonna want to brag right? Especially if she made such an effort to tell the whole world about it through the papers. I know exactly how to find her.

I logged onto myspace and started whipping up a storm. I was leaving comments and messages for people randomly all over the site, ranting on about what a load of bullshit this newspaper story was. My trap was set, and all I had to do was wait. If the girl read one of the messages then she’d automatically try to defend herself.

After an hour I’d received loads of messages telling me off for being abusive- I didn’t count on that. Straight away I deleted all the ones from men and girls under 18.All of the messages that were left weren’t taking it personally, except for one.

How do you know that the story’s not all made up? I messaged her.
Because I am that girl!! She replied quickly.
Yeah right! PROVE IT!! I messaged back.
Last night. 11pm. Hotel Almania. She told me exactly what I wanted.

I signed off and shut down the computer.
Off to Hotel Almania…if there is such a place. I finally tracked it down, it’s about ten miles from my house. Probably just a coincidence and a good one at that-I’m going to have to walk it.
I thought it wasn’t that far, but after five miles I was exhausted. I needed a drink badly, but hadn’t thought to bring one. Going to see Tre was like a spur of the moment thing.

God knows how I looked when I finally got there. I felt as though I was going to collapse. Glancing around the hotel lobby I could see no sign of movement, even after ringing the bell. I jumped over the reception desk and flicked through the log book. No Billie, no mike and more importantly, no Tre. Though looking carefully it was easy to see they’d used fake names. Billy Jackson, Michael Davis and Frank Edwin Wright III were the last people to check in. I think he’d draw less attention to himself just writing Tre Cool.

They were on the top floor-rooms 25, 26 and 27. Honestly, I was surprised they’d chosen such a small hotel. I really didn’t want to drag myself up three flights of stairs, but there wasn’t a lift so I had no choice.

I knocked gently at the door of room 27.Just as it opened everything went black.
I opened my eyes to see Tre looking down at me, his face filled with concern.
“I found you.” I whispered weakly, not even sure if could hear me.
“I’m glad,” he simply answered, trying to force a smile.
Those words were music to my ears, I couldn’t believe he remembered me.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah,” I said, turning my head to look around, “but how did I get on the couch?”
“Well I couldn’t put you on the floor,” he sniggered “that’s just rude.”
“Huh?” I said, now he had me completely confused.
“I opened the door and you fell into my arms. I didn’t know what to do so I just laid you down here.”
“Oh.” I answered. I still didn’t understand completely but I wasn’t going to ask any more questions. He looked stressed.