Tre's mystery girl

chapter 5

*Tre's POV*
.My god, she’s here but she’s ill, I hope she’s gonna be alright. What do I do? Billie will know what to do.
“I’m going to get Billie,” I told her “will you be alright on your own for a minute?”

She nodded slowly, though I can’t imagine how she must be feeling. She actually managed to find me and I can’t even deal with her fainting. That’s what you get for being rich and famous-You don’t get the life lessons everyone else does.

I walked down the corridor and knocked at Billie’s room. He answered the door looking very sympathetic.
“Look Tre, I’m really sorry about last night. I didn’t realise it would end with the papers slaggin’ you off.”
Don’t worry.” I answered, “I don’t care about that anymore. The girl found me on her own. She’s in my room on the couch.”
“Oh cool, d’you mind if I come and say hi?” he asked.
“No. you don’t understand. She’s in my room on the couch because she fainted… and I don’t know what to do.” I trailed off.
“Billie Joe to the rescue!” he laughed, “in my hands she’ll be fine.”
“You’d better be joking, she’s my girlfriend and I don’t want you touching her”
I don’t know what I was thinking when I said that. Of course he was joking.
“Relax man,” he told me, “I know how much you like her. I’m not gonna steal her. Besides, when did she become your girlfriend?”
“D’no but I wish she was.”
“Alright then, let’s go he her before she thinks you ditched her.” He walked out the door and followed me back to my room.
“Hey Jemma, how’re you feeling?” Billie asked her as he entered my room. I was stunned, he knew her name and he didn’t tell me. What was he playing at?
“A little better, thanks.” She was sitting up now but was still quite pale.
“Glad to hear it.” He slumped down next to Jemma. “How’s your boy-friend been treating you then,”
“What Tre, He’s not my boyfriend...” She stopped as she looked at me. Right now I was wishing that I hadn’t got Billie in here. Jemma was fine and there was so much to discuss.
“I’m just going to get a glass of water.” Billie said over his shoulder to Jemma. As he walked past me he said,
“She’s fine you don’t need me.”
“Bye.” She replied quietly.
I’d been so desperate to find her that now that we were alone I didn’t know what to say.
“So how did you find me then?” That was the worst possible thing to say right now. I should have said something like ‘Do you want a dink?’ especially as she’d fainted.
“Well the short answer is the girl in the newspaper article told me.”
“So a bit of bad publicity for me was good for us.”
“There’s an us?”
“I think there should be, especially as you came looking for me, and I was desperate to find you.”