When a Bratz meets the Brothers

Chapter One

“Whew! What a night! I so love my life…” Joe shouts inside their tour bus. He crashes the side couch. “But also very tired life!” Kevin follows behind him. He takes out his cotton blue vest and loosens up his red tie. “I’m going to brush my teeth and straight to bed. I can’t wait until we get to the hotel anymore.” Nick silently walks to the bunk. Joe notices it.

“Hey, man. Are you okay?” Joe stops her little brother. “You seem down today?”

“Yeah, I just... I felt something… I don’t it’s bad or good. But I felt something… Don’t worry, I just sleep it off. Night, Joe.” Nick gives Joe a little smile. Joe let her brother rest.

Joe somehow has a little bit energy left. He checks the freebees that they got earlier. He comes across a doll. He looks at the back of the box. ‘Cloe- Cloe looks at life through a different lens, always snapping pictures and filming her friends. And although she a super soccer star, she can be a bit of a klutz off the field. Sometimes Cloe’s imagination runs away with her, but her friends help this ‘Angel’ stay grounded. Plus, she can sing, she can dance, and she can do everything! Free hair highlights.” He laughs by himself at the couch.

Kevin comes out of the bathroom in a white shirt and loose pants. “Hey Kevin, want highlights your hair?” Joe looks back at the box, “it has blue, purple, PINK and your favorite, green. So, you want?” Joe wiggles his eyebrows.

Kevin laughs, how is Joe still got the energy after the concert? He thought. “Nah, Joe go get some rest. We got a big day tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah. By the way, we should give this to Maya. She loves Barbie right?”

“That’s not a Barbie, its Bratz.” Kevin said in yawning.

“Yeah same thing, it still a doll. Its say here, her name is Cloe a.k.a. Angel.”

“Hmmmm.” Kevin ignores him. He’s too tired to open his lids.

Joe opens the box and let Cloe out. He lays it on couch. He looks at it, “she looks pretty cute but too bad she’s just a plastic.” Joe’s talking to himself.

“Joe! Stop talking to yourself and go to sleep already!” Nick yells from the bunks.

“Yes father!” he teases Nick and goes to his bunks.

At 1.30am, the driver stops at a hotel nearby. He wakes up the boys and tells them they are at the hotel. The boys barely open their eyes bring their backpacks that contain their needs for tomorrow’s morning and they walk silently to the hotel.

Joe tricks Nick into falling but Nick didn’t fall. Instead of Nick, Joe is the one who’s falling. He fell at the stair when they are going to the lobby. Kevin and Nick laugh but still sleepy. “Come on Danger.” Kevin said.


In the bus, the Bratz doll is glowing. Slowly the doll is growing, changing, turning into a real life girl. The golden blonde hair has roots. Her hair is long until her hips. Her plastic skin turns into beautiful tan. Her plastic light blue eyes are now shiny and well, real. Her things become real too. The highlights are bigger, her video camera and her soccer ball changing to real things that actually work.

She is asleep on the couch that Joe laid her. She’s covered by the freebees. Nobody will notice her unless someone clean up the mess around her.

Next morning…

“I know your bus must be a mess right now. But after the next stop before the radio station, I want it to be clean, got it?” Denise looks at each of his sons’ eyes after breakfast.

“Yes ma’am!” all three of them said.

“See ya Frank!” Nick ruffles Frankie’s hair. Frankie can’t hang up with his brothers because he has a tutor on the other bus. Nick and Joe have a day off today.

They walk in their bus, there’s a soccer ball roll down the stair. Kevin picks up the ball and asks, confusingly, “Who bring a soccer ball in this bus?”

Everyone turn to Nick. Everyone knows he’s a fan of sport but he denies it. “Not me!” he held up his hands for defends. “Joe?” Kevin asks him.

“Nope.” Joe shakes his head.

“Well, not me either.” Kevin said. The three think a second.

“meh, who cares… come on, lets the cleaning operation begin!” Nick said.

Joe cleans the bunk area, Nick cleans the kitchen area and Kevin cleans the lounge area. Kevin picks up the gifts one at a time. Then, reveals a long golden hair. Kevin nearly screams. But he said quietly; don’t want the girl wakes up. “OH MY GOD!”

Somehow Nick and Joe heard it. They ask Kevin, “Hey, what’s wrong man?”

Kevin not able to talk, points at the girl sleeping on the couch peacefully.

The boys thinking.

Nick: “wow, she’s beautiful. But I think she’s must be another crazy fan girl?”

Kevin: “who’s the heck is this girl?”

Joe: “Holy cow! She’s just looks like the doll we got last night!”

The girl slowly turns to the boys but still asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
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