When a Bratz meets the Brothers

Chapter 3

“Oh my God! What we’re going to tell mom? The bus stills a mess.” Kevin said. He looks around the bunk area. There are still things on the floor. “Joe, were you cleaning this are or make it messier?” Kevin asks Joe.
“I, uhh, umm.” Joe stutters.
”we don’t have time to hear your nonsense Joe, right now we need to clean or we’re grounded. Okay, I’m done with the kitchen area; I’ll help Joe clean at the back. Kevin, finish what were you doing and you Angel, sit here for a second.” Nick said in his bossy mode. Everyone nods. And Cloe blushes when Nick called her Angel. It sounds different when her best friends used it.
She sits at the couch and looks at Kevin while he cleans the gifts. He wears tight maroon jeans, white colored dress shirts with his sleeves are rolled and a gray vest. She never sees her guy friends back home wear like that and never picture a guy wears tight jeans. But when Kevin wears it, she thought he’s pretty hot. She sees his muscles flexes when he picks up something heavy. She completely drifts away by his hotness.
“Ehem...” Joe clears his throat; butt in Cloe’s day-dream. He feels something on his stomach like jealousy when he saw Cloe stared at Kevin. He cannot have a crush on her, she’s a doll! “Uhh, Cloe, we kinda want to hide you from our mom. Can you please kindly hid in the bath room while our mom, well inspect this bus?”
“That’s very… manner of you… what’s your name again?” Cloe creases her eyebrows at Joe.
Joe felt down. She didn’t know his name. It’s odd cause you know, every girl knows he and his brothers, especially him. He answers weakly, “Joe.”
“Okay, Joe. Why are you wanted to hide me?”
“Boys…” he mother’s voice chimes in the bus.
“Cant tell now. Go hide!” Joe pulls her hand softly and pushes her in the bath room.
“Act natural.” Kevin whispers. He quickly picks his guitar on the corner and sits on the couch. Nick pulls a pen and scribbles something on the notepad in front of him. Joe didn’t know what to do, he moves toward Mrs. Jonas and shouts, “Mommy!”
“Hello, Joe?” she greet his 2nd son confusingly. “So, have you guys cleaned the bus?” Mrs. Jonas walks in to look around. She nods approval. “Your father wants me to tell you to get ready for the radio interview.”
“Okay, mom.”
The three of said at the same time. Mrs. Jonas looks at each of her sons suspiciously. “Okay, see you a little bit later. Bye boys, I love you!” she’s walking down the stairs.
“We love you t—“
“Eww!” a girl’s voice shrieks.
“What is that?” Mrs. Jonas pokes back her head.
“Nothing mom, just Joseph shrieked like a girl when he saw a bug.” Nick said while smirking at Joe. Joe gives Nick daggers and turn back to his mom, fake grinning. “Yeah mom. I’m practicing my girl scream.” On the two last words, he looks at Nick. Kevin tries his best to not laugh in front of their mom.
“You know what Joe, sometimes you worried Me.” his mom said. Kevin and Nick chuckle behind him.
“Okay, mom. Tell Frankie, we miss him. Okay mommy, bye, I love you.” he kisses Mrs. Jonas’ cheek and shut the bus door.
“Now we’re even.” Nick said. He stands up and knocks on the bathroom door. “Hey Cloe, are you okay?”
The door quickly opens, “eww, eww, eww, EWW!” Cloe get away from the bathroom as far as possible. “Don’t you clean the bathroom, it’s like spider central in there!” she grosses out. The guys laugh at her reaction.
“I thought you are soccer star. Jocks likes ‘gross’ things.” Joe blurts.
“Mud: its okay with me, Blood: I don’t care, bugs: don’t care much but spiders, spiders with 8 legs: it’s totally a NO-NO! No, no, no! Hey, wait, I didn’t tell you I am a soccer athlete.” She narrows her eyes at Joe.
“I, umm, uhh.”
“Yes, you told us. That you’re the athlete one of your best friends, Yasmin, Jade and umm, Sasha.” Kevin answers for Joe. They don’t want secret to be told yet.
She still looks at Joe curiously. “Anyway, what’s wrong with not telling your mom about me?” she moves her eyes to Kevin and Nick.
Nick said, “we figure out some things first and make a plan about you being in the tour and the paparazzi, we don’t want rumors to spread and—“
“Wait, the paparazzi? You guys aren’t that big, right?”
They look at each other a little amuse, “Nah, not big, just platinum sophomore CD, tour around America for third time, had tour around Europe with Avril Lavigne, a reality show, a movie maybe another one or two more, umm, a series show and planning to tour around Asia and others. That’s just about it. We’re not big.” Joe said sarcastically to Cloe. Her mouth practically hangs open, gladly there’s not a fly around.
“How come I did not know about you guys? You guys must be another boy band, right? That’s why I did know you guys. I didn’t listen to boy band stuff, except one Backstreet Boys’ song: Drowning, I love that song.” Cloe sure does talks a lot.
“Well, we are boys, we’re in a band. That’s make us a ‘boy band’?”
“If you play instrument and write your own music, you’re just a ‘band’. If you dance and sing someone else’s song, you’re ‘boy band’.”
“That some theory you got there. I guess we’re just a band. No, we’re a band of brothers.”
“Band of Brothers, good one Joe, I miss that series.”
(Ps: Band of Brothers is a series movie. My brothers and my father always watch it, I think, the first time I watched when I was 9. They got stuck in my head. Anyone had watch it? I guess not, cuz it’s a war story, back to the story.)
“Oh my gosh, I forgot my mom, she must be worried sick and my best friend!” Cloe searches for her bedazzled phone and dial her home. No one there, she calls all her 3 bff, it seems no one picks up. Her eyes begins to water, she gulps and turns to the brothers. “Why nobody picks up the phone?” her eyes began to verge of tears.
“Aww, don’t cry. Maybe everyone’s busy.” Kevin hugs her, swaying back and forth.
“But Sasha would probably pick up the phone because she always near by her phone and Yasmin would never shut her phone!”
Kevin hugs her tighter, “shh, shh, it’s going to be alright. We try again later, okay?”
She nods in his grip. Kevin mouths to his brothers “Help!”