My Guitar Hero

Part I

“David I’m tired. Why do I have to go on this commercial shoot with you? I just want to sleep in today.”

“You’re the one who wanted to come spend a couple weeks here with me and see what it was like. I’m just giving you the true experience babe. No sleep is my life right now. Besides, commercial shoots are always fun. And you love Cook.”

“Cook does bring me much joy.”

“But not too much right?”

“I don’t know. Cook would never make me wake up at 4:30 in the morning on my vacation. Would you Cookie?” Cook had just stepped into the van.


“Just say yes Cookie.” I gave him my sweetest flirtiest look.

“Dang Archie, your girlfriend’s trouble.” We both laughed but David didn’t look too amused.

“She better behave herself.” He gave me a scolding look.

“It’s early and I’m tired. Would you rather me be in a pissy mood?”

“No, I guess your cute like this.” He kissed my forehead and I laid down on his lap and slept until he woke me up, saying we were there.

We walked into the studio and onto a living room set. I was anxious to find out what this shoot was going to be about. We all sat down and waited for the director to come talk to the boys.

“Hey guys, I’m Brett Ratner, you’re director for today.” He shook both the David’s hands then looked at me questioningly.

“Are you David also?” Haha like we hadn’t heard that one before.

“This is my girlfriend. Is it ok is she sticks around to watch?”

“Sure, she might be just the inspiration you need for today. I’m going to need you to wait in the other room for me for a little while sweetie. Ok boys the idea for today is…”

I hate being ushered away like I don’t matter. Oh well, at least he was letting me stay. I chilled around the buffet, eating a bagel with cream cheese and being really bored. After what felt like forever I saw David walking towards me.

“Hey sexy. So tell me what your gonna do today?”

“God, why did I have to ask you to come with me today? You’re gonna love this.” He was blushing.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Archuleta, time to get your costume on.”

“You’ll just have to wait and see.” And with that he dragged his feet off to the dressing room. After more waiting the director, Brett told me I could come and watch cause David was going to start filming soon. Finally someone acknowledged my presence.

All of a sudden I knew all this waiting was worthwhile. Coming out of the dressing room with a sheepish grin and blushing madly was my boyfriend in nothing but a button down shirt, socks, and tighty whities!! My mouth dropped open and I couldn’t help but laugh. And then Cook followed him out in the same get up, and I was rolling.

“Don’t say a word.” David was trying not to laugh and be mad at me, but he wasn’t doing too well.

“Who knew the first time I’d see you in your underwear would be in public?” I kept laughing.

“Ok these are not my underwear. For your information I don’t normally wear tighty whities.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. And Cookie, looking sexy boy.”

“You know it.” He shook his *** and me which set me off into a horrible case of girly giggles. This was too much.

“Ok boys, we’re just gonna practice this first time. So Archuleta, get in place. And remember just have fun.”

Someone handed David a Guitar Hero guitar and he smiled at me before going to his mark. Next thing I heard Old Time Rock N Roll blaring through the speakers. Oh my god, it finally hit me. They were doing Risky Business!

And sure enough David came sliding into the living room in true Tom Cruise fashion. He danced his way all through the living room, jumping on the table and just totally jamming out. He looked up and winked at me at one point, and oh god, all joking aside, he had never been so sexy. David was always pretty shy and to see him just full out rocking to a song in his underwear was nice to say the least.

After the third time they ran through it, someone I recognized as one of David’s “people” came in and asked to speak to the director in private. Some nice lady gave David some sweatpants and we went to eat some lunch. When the director called us back in he announced that David’s publicist didn’t think it was appropriate for a seventeen year old to be in such revealing underwear, after all this was a family show. So they got him a pair of boxers. Still sexy, but I missed the tighty whities.

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My first oneshot here at Mibba. Still new in creative writing so its not that good or anything. Comments? Please? *pouts* I'll post Part 2 soon. If I can though... haha!