Status: Dead

It Was ME, Myself and I, 'till then He Came

Healing The Past

Brendon's POV

I decided to take a cab to go to the studios since my parents weren't around, so they took the car along with them.

"Where would it be, son?" The cabbie said.

"Um, the FueledByRamen studios please." I answered.

He then sped of the cab.

A couple of minutes later, I reached my destination and gave him 10 bucks.

I was outside the studio when it hit me.

"Shit! I forgot about Kendra!" I panicked.

I forgot about yelling at her in the phone hours ago. I quickly got my phone then scrolled down my contacts and called her.

Ring, Ring. It was taking her longer to answer than expected.

"Please don't be mad at me." I said into the phone with thoughts rushing in my head.

What seemed to be forever, she answered my call.

"Hello?" She said with tracks of her still crying.

"Babe. It's me." I said in a caressing voice.

I could hear some tiny sniffles.

"About awhile ago, I'm really really sorry. I was being an ass and got a bit out of control. I'm really stressed, babe. I hope you understand." I sighed.

"No. It's alright..." Kendra trailed off. "It's really my fault. I called so early in the morning." She continued.

"No. Don't apologize. You just said Good Morning and you were concerned on what's going on with me and I had no right bitching all over you like that." I apologized.

I could only hear her breathing.

"Listen. I want to make it up to you. I'll take you out later for a movie or something after visiting Pete. I'm at the studio now, you see."

"Okay. Thanks. I hope I'm not being a burden." She said with a spec of happiness in her voice.

"No. Not at all. I'll call you later, k, babe?" I smiled.

"Sure. Good luck with Pete."


After that she hung up.