Status: Dead

It Was ME, Myself and I, 'till then He Came

Flirtations (Gross!)

"What a bunch of losers" I said in my mind.

Standing in front of our class was a tall. . . guy. That's all I can say.

"Um, hi. . . I'm Jasper Evans and I just came from L.A. . . . and I'm pleased to meet you guys. . ." the tall dude said.

"Hi Jasper!"

The whole class (except me) said.

"Oh brother. . ." I told myself.

"So, if you don't mind, Mr. Evans you may sit on that empty desk."

Jasper nodded yes.

"Oh joy" I thought.

He sat down next to me.

The class started smoothly.

"Okay, let's assign lab partners now shall we?" Professor Hale said.

Blah, blah, blah. . . I wasn't paying much attention.

Blah, blah, blah. . .

It's my turn already.

"Hmm. . . Hatchewood and Evans."

"No way!" was all I said in my mind.

I saw him smile at me.

I smiled at him as well.

"God, why her? It's so unfair!"

I hate people gossiping.

The class ended, at last!

I started getting up from my seat until. . .

"Hi. . . I'm Jasper." He said with a polite smile then reaching out his hand.

"Yea... I HEARD" I emphasized.

Reaching out my hand as well.

He shot me another polite smile.

We then bid our farewells.

Glad that was over.

"B*!" I heard someone scream.

Must be Lyn.

"Hi" I said.

"Yo." Erika said.

"Hey! so how was class?" Lyn asked.

Writer's Note: This is what we do in school. Funny, eh? XD So, I included myself and Erika.
Back to the story!

"Good. You?"

"It went fine but. . . our History teacher had mannerisms." She stated.

At this point, we we're on our way to the Cafeteria.

"So, what kind of mannerisms?" I asked.

"Lots" Erika said.

"Yea. . . like saying uhm, okay. . . stuff like that."

"This school year's gonna be a freak show." I told them.

In the cafeteria, got our lunch then off to our usual table.

We talked and talked about how our Summer went until the boys came in.

"Mind if we join you guys?" Myimpolite polite brother said.

"Sure, whatever" I replied.

We had a good chat.

"You know what, we met a fine dude." Perry said.

"Yea, he's really good with the guitar." Bden continued.

"Really? What's his name?" I asked.

"Ryan Ross, and he has this best friend named Spencer Smith, so fucking awesome with
the drums." Brendon answered.

"I wanna hear 'em play!" Erika and Lyn answered.

"I mean, we wanna hear 'em play!" they corrected.

"We kinda like to start a band though. . ." Bden trailed off.

"You can see 'em play later at Bren's." Perry answered.

"Then we'll go!" Erika said.

"Right, b*?" Lyn asked me.

"Okay, sure." I answered.

"So how was class, sister dearest?" Perry asked, getting some dirt out of me.

"Good." I simply replied. Not bothering to look.

"Met anyone you like?" He asked. Getting more dirt out of me.

I took a bite of my blueberry muffin.

"No one"

"Ya sure?"


"Anyone new?"

"There was a new transferee though."

"Oh really?"


"What's his name?"

"Jasper Evans."

"No electricity?"

Brendon coughed. He obviously doesn't want to hear this.

"Not a single spark." I stated.

"I hope so." He continued.

The bell rang.

Finally, what seemed to be forever, snack time was over.

This time, I'm with Brendon in class. It was really awkward staying with him.

"So..." He tried starting to make a conversation.

"So. . ." I replied.

"We're in Art class, huh?"


"Our discussion ended when we reached our class. We decided to sit at the back.

As expected, the teacher didn't come early, to past the time, me and Brendon talked, and talked, and talked. Until I spotted Jasper surrounded by girls.

"Don't tell me he's in this class, as well?" I shrugged.

"Who?" Bden asked.

"Jasper" I answered.

"Oh, where is he?"

"He's seated in the front."

"Oh that guy?"

"Yeah. . ."

His face changed a little.

"Good morning, everyone." The unfamiliar teacher said.

"Morning." We all answered.

He was writing something on the board.

"As some of you know, I'm Mr. Venturi."

"Mr. Venturi?" I asked Bden.

"Yea, d'you remember that time when Ms. Nora slapped someone before?"


"That's him"

"Really? Wow."

I forgot all about that incident.

Arts class started smoothly, 'til the teacher called Jasper.

"Mr. Evans, give me another element of Chinese painting." Mr. Venturi demanded.

"Uhm. . . pretty colors?" He answered.

The class burst out of laughter and the teacher's brows wrinkled a bit.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry. I don't really know what to say."

With that, Mr. Venturi gave him a warning.

This guy's not good in Arts, is he?
♠ ♠ ♠
End of Chapter 3!
2nd update for today XD Hooplah! jk
Phew, that was a long one.
Imma begging for comments.