The Untold Secret

Memories Are Calling

“Brian?” she called out as she opened the front door. “Babe where are you?” she asked a little louder heading up to his room. She smiled slightly as she heard him strumming on his guitar. She pushed the door open slightly to watch until he finished. “New song?” she asked.

Brian looked up and a crooked smile took over his face. “Nope just improving some lines.” He threw his guitar on the bed and walked over to his girlfriend pulling her into a tight hug. “I missed you.” He pouted, kissing her nose and then her lips.

“I’ve only been gone a week. Jesus you’d swear you hadn’t seen me in a year.” She giggled at his pout. “And yes I missed you too.” She said kissing him back. They stood for a couple of minutes embraced in each other’s hold.

“C’mon lay with me. I miss having you against me.” He told her truthfully. He placed the guitar on the ground carefully before climbing into the single bed with his girlfriend. “So I’ve been thinking -”

“Wow, bet that hurt.” She laughed but soon stopped as Brian pinched her inner tight. “Ouch, don’t, that’s not nice.” She told him off smacking his hand off of her. “So I hear Matt is coming home in three weeks.” He stiffened up beside her at the mention of his name. “It’s okay I will have everything sorted by then.”

“You better.” He kissed her head affectionately knowing that if Matt ever found out he was a dead man walking and so was most of their friends. “I’m so fucking glad I hooked up with you at that party four months ago.” He smiled remembering every moment he had spent with her.

“You’re not the only one.” She grinned back. She knew for a fact that she had fallen for Brian Haner Jr during the time she spent with her other boyfriend. Brian was going to be Huntington Beach’s main export in years to come. She knew it, he knew, everyone knew it. “Ya know, Haner, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

“What’s there not to love?” he raised his eyebrow cockily, even though he knew she couldn’t see. He snuggled in tighter to her as she tried to slap him away. “I think I love you too.” He whispered in a soft tone.

“You alright Bri?” Matt asked his friend. “You aren’t looking so great. Go lie down or some shit I’ll make sure your guitars are tuned. Actually I’ll just get JB to do it. Alright man?” the roadie said.

“Nah I’ll do it. Need to clear my head for a while.” He smiled patting his guitar tech on the shoulder before moving on to his rack of seven guitars for that particular night. He picked up his pin striped Schecter guitar and hooked it up to a portable amp. He began playing a version of Nine Inch Nails song Hurt. “I will let you down.” He sang lowly himself.

Brian had promised he would never try to think of her in that way again but he couldn’t help it. When he thought of his daughter she just seemed to pop into his mind as well as all the things they did together.

He had been sitting on the bus watching TV when he started to think about the day his daughter was made. Which made him think about his then sort-of girlfriend. He couldn’t think of that way now. She was his friend now and nothing was ever going to change that between them. But then again that’s what Brian though the night they first hooked up together.

“I need to tell you something.” She whispered in Brian’s ear as she stood up to go outside. None of his friends seemed to notice either of them slip off. So he followed her outside. “I need you to stay calm when I tell you think okay?”


“I’m four months pregnant, Bri.” She whispered, waiting for a reaction from him. But she didn’t get one. He just stood looking at her stomach. “Please say something? You can scream, any sort of reaction will do?” she begged slightly.

He frowned with confusion. “But that means… We always use it though… I’m going to be fucking murdered… Is, ya know, the baby… Mine?” so many things he wanted to say at once just came out in a sentence that made no sense. She nodded as her emotions began to toy with her. “How do you know?” he didn’t mean to ask so bluntly but he was in a state of shock. Him, a father?

“Because I was a virgin until I slept with you.” She told him as a tear slipped down her cheek. Brian quickly moved forward to wipe it away. “I know you used a condom but it must have slipped and I didn’t noticed until I realized how late I was.” The tears where going down her tan tinted cheeks rapidly.

Brian pulled her towards her and let her sob her heart out as he was shitting himself. He knew he would have serious damage done to him if anyone ever found out. Between her parents and his he wouldn’t be able to go on. “We can’t tell anyone.” He told her softly but firmly. Then all of a sudden a though blasted through his mind. “Run away with me?”

She lifted her head from his shoulder, her tear-stained eyes meet his wondering whether he was serious or not. “Any time you want, Bri.” She whispered and kissed his lips gently.

He remembered how serious he was about telling her they could run away together. They planned together for two weeks straight. He went a week before she did, as they didn’t want anything to look suspicious. They had taken all their money, the clothes they wanted and booked a motel in Los Vegas. It had worked out perfectly. Neither of them where caught and neither of their parents suspected a thing.

Brian also remembered how hard they struggled to make ends meet. But they always got threw. Neither of them wanted to go back home after they got their major taste of freedom. Sure they were young but they sure knew what they wanted and they weren’t about to let anything stop them.

But that doesn’t mean fate wouldn’t intervene.
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Chapter credit: Bullet For My Valentine 'Say Goodnight'