The Untold Secret

Stop Breathing If I Don't See You Anymore

“C’mon baby girl me and you are gonna go see momma and take her out for lunch.” He cooed to his month old daughter. “Yes we are.” As scared as Brian had been at the thought of having a baby he soon got the hang of it and loved every waking moment with her.

He softly pulled her out of the Moses basket and gently placed her inside the buggy trying not to wake her from her nap. He pulled the blanket up on her, leaving her hands free. He grabbed the baby bag and his apartment keys before exiting the building.

He trotted down the street to his girlfriend with his daughter content in the pram. Over the past six months of them being there they wanted to tell their families about having a little girl so bad but they never did make the phone call or write a letter to tell them of their new pride and joy.

Ten minutes after they left the apartment they arrived at a small diner. “Hey momma.” Brian called out as he watched his baby’s mother walk threw the doors. She grinned and walked over to her two favourite people in the world. “How was work?”

“It was shit.” She said blankly picking her daughter out of the pram. All she wanted to do was to hold her daughter close and be with her boyfriend ever since she set foot in work. “Are you working from four until twelve tonight?” she asked glancing over the menu.

“Yeah, I’m in for the same times all week.” He told her and grabbed her hand. “I’m gonna work a little bit more tomorrow morning for an hour or two for some money.” She nodded, giving his hand a little squeeze. “I love you.” He told her randomly.

A small grin appeared on her face, loving how he told her at weird times how he felt about her. “I love you too Bri.”

“Brian,” Michelle looked up to her boyfriend. “Have you ever though of having kids? I mean if you don’t want to talk about it you can just tell me to shut up.” She said with a small smile.

“Yeah I have,” he looked at the picture over the fireplace of them with her cousin’s son last year. “I’d love to have kids. Two boys and two girls, as a matter of fact. But I wanna have them when the time is right. But if I knock you or Jimmy up by accident, I won’t mind.” He told her grinning.

“Ah so I’m just a sub while your home because Jimmy won’t let you have his ass?” she asked trying to sound serious. When Brian said exactly she laughed at her goofy boyfriend. “Do you think that, you know, I could have a miscarriage like Val or what?” she asked.

“I don’t think it’s a gene thing. So I hope not. I wouldn’t want to see you go threw any pain.” He told her honestly. As much as he wanted to tell her the truth about the six months he left Huntington for he knew how it would hurt her and everyone around them. “I want you to have my kids. You’re the only one I want Mich.” He kissed her head.

“You’re the only one I want.” She replied back to him. Brian sighed and put his chin on her head. Michelle could tell he wasn’t in a good mood the second he woke up but she didn’t understand why. They’d been home with each other for two weeks straight and they hadn’t had arguments. “What’s wrong with you today?” she asked snuggling closer to him.

“Nothing,” he lied. “I’m just PMSing, ya know?” he told her with a crooked smile. He knew what today was. It was the day that changed his life with his little family forever. His memory of the scene was so vivid and the blood-wrenching scream was so clear in his mind.

“Oh look there’s a sale on in Carter’s, I think I’m going to get our little Princess some clothes before the sale ends.” Brian merely rolled his eyes at the though of more shopping. Sure they’d gone for groceries, but then he was made get new clothes. “Alright I get the point hot shot. I’ll go over and grab a couple of things and come back alright?”

“Now that sounds like a plan.” Brian grinned; he sat up straight in the café chairs to kiss her before she left. He pointed to his cheek and she kissed it with a giggle. “I love you, so don’t spend too much money.”

“Pfhh, me spend money? Lord, I don’t know what planet your on at all Haner.” She stuck her tongue and kneeled down to kiss their daughter’s head. “I love you my little Princess,” she cooed to her daughter. “And I suppose I love your daddy as well.” Brian kicked her lightly. “Oh you already know I love you Brian.” She told him and kissed him again, this time on the lips.

“Behave.” Brian called out to her as she left the shop. “Cow,” he chuckled to himself as she flipped him off. He looked to the car seat in which his daughter was currently chewing thin air. He brought the cup of coffee to lips as he eyes turned to watch his girlfriend cross the road.

He wasn’t really watching her, more like checking her out. After she had given birth the weight had fallen off her. The only thing you’d notice was that her boob’s had gotten bigger and she gained a few stretch marks. But he didn’t care what she looked like as long as he had her.

Brian heard a sharp screech of breaks and looked out the window to see the car heading towards his girlfriend. He knew what was about to happen next but he was paralysed. She flipped in mid air before falling to the ground ten feet away. But before a single fibre touched the road he could hear her blood-wrenching scream.

A strong shot of pain ran threw his heart as he heard the thud of her body hit the road. Without thinking he grabbed his daughters car seat and ran as fast as he could to her side.

“Babe, wake up. C’mon.” he said panicking. The color that had been in her face not even five minutes ago, had all gone away. Her eyes flicked opened and she looked Brian directly in the eye. “Are you okay? Where are you hurting? Oh shit -”

“Don’t let them find out Brian,” she croaked, it was painful for her even to breath. Her entire body ached, but she wanted Brian to know what she knew was best. “They can’t know about her. Don’t let them know…” she trailed off and her eyes snapped shut.

“No. No.” he shook his head. “Don’t leave me, don’t.” he whispered as tears trickled down his face. “Don’t fucking leave me.” He cried in pain. “Please c’mon wake up. We have a daughter she needs you. I need you. Wake up.” He yelled at her as people began to gather around the scene. “Don’t leave me,” he whimpered as someone pulled him off her lifeless body.

Brian sat on the side of the bed in his boxers and socks as a couple of tears escaped his eyes. He sniffed and wiped them away with his hand. He couldn’t forget that day no matter how much he wanted to. It was a nightmare come true.

Michelle stirred in the bed and he quickly looked over his shoulder, as if she was going to disappear. She let out a groan but didn’t wake. He sighed in relief. He wasn’t about to let her go on him at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter to go!
Chapter Credit ; Nickelback 'Far Away'