Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like mine?


Hey guys.

I'm still not sure on the sequel, however I have a few ideas floating about and I thought I'd share a short snippet with you.

"Brendon... I'm pretty sure you can't lose a teenager you asswipe..." Ryan said dryly, when Brendon had woken him up screeching that their daughter, Amy was missing. "She isn't attached to me anymore you know. She has a mind of her own. She's probably just gone out or something."

Brendon frowned and pushed out his lip in the way that he did when he'd been defeated in an argument (it was almost a sulky pout, but not quite). "But but... she... look..." Brendon said, handing Ryan a note.

Mom and Dad,

I figured something strange was going on this morning when I woke up and my center of gravity felt weird and there was something different that I couldn't quite work out.

I've gone off to work it out on my own, and when I've figured out why I'm such a freak, I'll be back. I promise. Love you.


Also, I've just posted my new project, which I thought I'd link here. I've written most of it already and most of its sequel, so it should be pretty good. Pete Wentz Cross Dress
