Dom Loses Again


As dom tripped infront off the bus the driver tryed to stop nbut the brakes where faulty and it didn't. Meanwhile the man waiting at the bus stop pulled out a moblie phone and rang 999.
It all happened in an instant and the kid probablydied of a heart attack for the bus even but there was nothing that anyone could do about it. The paramedics arived within in minues and the boy was taken to the nearest hospital. The man that was stood at the bus stop with the boy turned out to be a teacher at his school and contacted them to tell the perants.

The funaral was a small one. His friend Emma and him had been talking about what they would like to happen if they were to die the day before, so she helped the family sort out the funaral. It wasn't a very tradional one, but saying that Dom wasn't a tradional kind of guy. The funaral conisted of Dom frist being burned in to a pit dug out already, but before he was burned two coins were placed in this eyes, then once the hole had been refilled a small giant red wood was planted on his grave with a placard Saying
Here lies Dom James Baker.
Loved by many
May he rest in peace with his bass

his last request where that My chemical romance had played while he burned and that there would be a huge party in memory of him and that he would be burned with his bass.

R.I.P Dom Baker