The Federation

Melanie Gates-- and everyone else in the United States-- knew that newly elected President Tyler Mason promised that change would come. But no one expected the changes that did come.

It all started when Vice President Robert Lowe died unexpectedly two days after Mason's inauguration. As if that wasn't suspicious enough, his replacement was a man named Malcolm Morgan, a man no one had ever heard of.

After that, terrible and useless laws were put in place every day, laws that would supposedly "protect and defend the American ideal." Congress extended the President's power outrageously, and his opposition began to disappear. No one could speak out against the government for fear of disappearing, too. No one could speculate as to where these people were disappearing to.

Melanie Gates knew that not everyone was as supportive of President Mason as they seemed. But the question was: how does she find out who opposed the government without exposing them and herself? And once she finds them, what can they do?
  1. Malcolm Morgan
    Nobody knows that everything is about to change. Nobody except for Malcolm Morgan.
  2. "And now we wait."
    Breaking into the White House has never been so easy.
  3. Twenty-Five Minutes
    Lines are crossed. The ownership of the Presidency changes hands.
  4. Melanie
    Melanie and Dan get ready to watch the State of the Union address.
  5. The State of the Union Address
    It is time to protect and defend the American ideal.