With a Kiss

Chapter Ten

Blah. Blah. The fuckity blah.

Do you know how boring it is to watch the only two American channels over and over all day and only get out of bed to frickin pee! God! Plus watching Kate be such a bitch to Jon, I feel bad for their 8 kids. All the time while watching Jon and Kate Plus Eight, I often wondered if that will be me and Bill if we ever get back together.

One week left until the Award show. Simone got some famous French designer and his assistant to come and design two dresses for me. I can't even pronounce their names so don't even let me try.

"Okay mon petit chéri we make de toute beauté dress for you. You will be star!" Said Adoré, the head designer. I smiled. "How about, violet? Better yet, lavender! Only for your grand entrance. Then you change into beautiful yellow gown!"

"Alright, sounds good." I stood up and held my belly while they measured me.

"What about her fat stomach Adoré!" Jean-Marie said. Her voice was cool and soothing, although I now hated her for calling me fat.

"Oui, oui, it will only grow this next week! We'll give small bit of extra space in dress. NON! We make flowy dress! Oui! And same with the violet dress! You are gorgeous!"

"Merci!" I smiled.

"Oh, she speaks perfect French!" Adoré complimented. Hes crazy. Le crazy.


Tom called later on. He asked me to watch tonight's concert. I agreed because Jon and Kate have too many marital problems. Nothing interesting happened. Although he did comment on my growth. Thats all. I guess he just wanted to know is that I was watching.

DING DONG! I heard. Simone was out shopping, so at the top of my lungs I shouted to come in. Pretty soon I heard foot steps coming up the stairs, and then a knock on my door.

"Yea?" I said. The door opened and Dyson stood in the doorway.

"Hey, Gale was craving pickles but doesn't even want them in the house now. But I'm pretty sure she will want me to get some more tomorrow. But I brought them here, I don't know if you want them or not." Dyson smiled.

"Yes, gimme!" I reached over, and he placed the jar in my hands. "Thank you so much! I've actually been craving them all day!" Dyson got next to me on the bed.

"So, you'll be having kids any day now, huh?" He asked.

"Yup, I guess so." I said.

"Any names?" He asked.

"OH MY GOD! I haven't even though of names!" I screamed. Dyson chuckled, leaned over to pick up and pen and paper.

"Okay then, lets think of some." I smiled. He smiled back.

"Alright, boy first." I said. He wrote Boys in neat handwriting and underlined it.

"Zachery." I said. "I like that name."

"How about Xakery. Said the same but spelled awesome." Dyson suggested.

"Alright. And middle name after my daddy. Xakery Travis. I like it." I giggled. Dyson wrote it down.

"Okay, baby boy number two." He smiled. I giggled again.

"What about Joshwa? Or Kyle? Matt?" I asked aloud. Right when I said Matt, I knew that was it. "Matthew Patrick."

"Matthew Patrick?" Dyson asked. I nodded, and he wrote it down.

"Okay, last baby boy. I'm lost for names."

"Casper?" Dyson asked. My eyes lit up.

"Yes! Thats amazing. And middle name after my brother. Casper Samuel." I said.

"Alright, we have Xakery Travis, Matthew Patrick, and Casper Samuel."

"Now the girls. I think Bill wanted Rachel. How about, Rachel Brooklyn." Dyson wrote it down. "And Sadie Honor."

"Honor?" Dyson asked, and I nodded. "Like, On Her. I got On Her?" I laughed.

"Yes, thats why I want it like that."

"Alright, how about Estella Devan?" Dyson asked.

"Alright, I love it. And my fourth baby girl is suppose to be cripple, so Hope Ashlynn."

"Alright, for the girls we have Rachel Brooklyn, Sadie Honor, Estella Devan, and Hope Ashlynn, and the boys are Xakery, Matthew, and Casper."

"Can you go get me the fan out of the garage?" I asked.

"Why not open a window?" Dyson asked.

"No, I want a fan. Go." I said. He left the notebook on my bed and left while I admired the names of my children. My children. I'm their mommy. That will be my new name. Mommy. I just feel like I'm going to be a bad mother.

I heard a breaking of glass down stairs, although I new nobody was in the house. "Dyson?" I called out. No reply. I rolled out of bed and waddled to the stairs. Grasping the railing, I walked down the stairs. Almost to the bottom few steps where the stair case turns and splits to two way, my foot twisted up under the weight and I came falling down. Protecting my babies, I tried to flip to my back. I screamed so loud, when my body reached the floor, the side of my stomach hit the ground.

Dyson ran in, freaked out, and called 911.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm baaaack again