Dancing with the Devil

Dancing with the Devil

Everyone goes to the high school dances, EVERYONE! This was going to be Frank’s night to shine. Everyone has had their moment in the spotlight and this was going to be Frank’s. He had the perfect outfit all laid out. It was a black tuxedo and a sparkly red tie. He looked great, though he wouldn’t say so himself. This was going to be the best night of his life and nothing could stand in his way.

He was busy doing his eyeliner when his mother came crashing into his room, distraught and clearly making no sense.

“You are not going to that dance!” his mother said.

“But why?” he asked.

"I've just been talking to the preacher. He says the dance is going to be for the devil. You are absolutely forbidden to go," his mother replied.

Frank nodded as if he accepted his mother’s word but was still as determined as ever to go to the dance. He wanted his moment to shine. As soon as his mother stopped paying attention to him, he leapt out his bedroom window and headed to M. C. R. Hall where the dance was being held.

As soon as Frank entered the dance hall, all eyes were on him. He was quite startled from the attention as he was usually ignored by his fellow classmates. His mother always said he was too shy to get a boyfriend. Determined not to be shy, he walked right up to the school varsity football captain and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and just stared in awe at the boy he once ignored.

“Why aren’t you dancing?” Frank asked the football captain, Bob.

“Because you weren’t here yet,” Bob said in his usual suave voice.

“Well, I’m here now so you should ask me to dance,” Frank stated boldly.

Bob looked taken a back for a second but replied with, “Would you like to dance?”

“I’d love to,” Frank said taking Bob’s hand and leading him onto the dance floor.

After about an hour, Frank had danced with many more boys. Some were even fighting over who would get the pleasure of asking him to dance next. He took a break to grab some punch as he was so parched from all the dancing he had done. Then, there was a silence. The music had stopped and there was some type of hush. No one said one more word.

Frank turned around and looked at the now open doors expecting to see some type of ghost or whatever. It was not a ghost; it was so much better. A boy, around the age of Frank himself and breathtaking in every way, stood between the two doorways, the wind ripping at his shoulder length jet black hair and making it even more perfectly messy. He had pale skin and hazel eyes. He was wearing simple black skinny jeans that clung to his legs like a second skin and a black button-down long sleeve shirt.

Frank had been so busy staring at the handsome boy that he was unaware that the boy was heading for him. By the time he realized the boy had moved, he was standing right next to him. His breathe hitched in his throat as the boy gave him a smirk, and a sexy one at that.

“Dance with me,” the boy said.

Frank could do nothing else but nod his head “yes” frantically. The boy led him out onto the dance floor and the music started up at once. Frank was overwhelmed by the boys looks and charm he did not even see how the boys hazel eyes had a haunting red glow about them that would seem foreboding. Frank and the boy were the center of attention.

Then the boy spun him around and around. He gasped for breath, trying to step out of the spin. But the boy spun him faster and faster. Frank’s feet felt hot. The floor seemed to melt under him. The boy spun him even faster. He was spinning so fast that a cloud of dust flew up around them both so that they were hidden from the crowd.

When the dust settled, both the boy and Frank were gone. The crowd stared in horror and wonder. Eventually the crowd departed and everyone went home to tell their own versions of what had happened to little Frank Iero.

Down in the deep depths of hell, Frank was still being spun by the boy. Finally, the boy stopped spinning and pulled Frank close. Frank looked into the boys eyes and could see the fire burning within them. He could’ve melted in those eyes.

“You… You’re the devil! That was your party!” Frank exclaimed though he didn’t bother to pull away from the boy.

“I am what you say though I prefer the name Gerard Way,” the boy, Gerard, said.

“Why did you come to your party?” Frank asked.

“I am revered far and wide, but, alas, I’m in need of a bride,” Gerard stated.

“Then why am I here?” Frank asked not grasping what Gerard was telling him.

“I am the devil, don’t mess with my kind, you are the bride and you shall be mine,” Gerard said.

“But I am not dead!” Frank shouted.

“Nor a girl but put those thoughts to rest, I want you because you are the best,” Gerard said.

“But!” Frank protested yet again.

Gerard shushed Frank in a murderous kiss. With that kiss Frank Iero ceased to exist in the real world and forever became the devil’s bride.