Before he Cheats


As Billie Joe Armstrong was getting ready in his bedroom,
he saw his wife, Adie, still sleeping.
The prevoius night, they had a horrible fight about Billie going back on tour and leaving his famiy, for the hundredth time. Adie knew it was his career, the only thing was why he couldn't take a month off. They were all ready on their fourth child. She doesn't understand him.
Billie Joe grabbed his suit case, walked down the stairs, and headed out the door, to the studio to start the tour.
As he got out of the car, he saw his band mates, Mike, whom played the bass, and Tre, whom played the drums, waiting for him.

"BILLIE!" Tre screamed and ran towards Billie, as he was walking closer to his band.
"NO! DOWN, BOY!" Billie yelled at Tre.
Tre stopped and for some unknown reason, barked at Billie.
"Wow, you are messed up, man." Billie said and Tre just laughed.
"You look sad, whats wrong?" Mike asked, as he watched Billie walking up to him.
"You didn't get laid, I can see it in your eyes." Tre said as he caught up with the guys.
" No. Tre, why do you always ask me that? And I don't wanna talk about it." Billie told them, when they all headed into the bus.