A Tokio Hotel Twilight

Bill's Beginning

Bill’s POV-starting at the beginning

I wake up in this stupid town of stupid people. Even though I chose to leave and come here. Reason? I was basically tortured in school, to become a straight conformist, with an abusive father and ignorant mother. I basically up and left my hometown in Arizona [A/N Yes the same state as Bella was from…] I now lived in a house with Georg, my age, who used to be a close friend, but moved to Forks a while ago. The only thing I really brought with me was a bike, my guitar [A/N Yes, Bill plays.] And my clothes. I drove here, but I still love my bike.

Anyway, on my way to school, via bike, the only thing I noticed was a silver Cadillac speed by me, going towards the prison I was now heading to, I mean school. Georg was nice enough to register me before I came. I placed my bike near the front door, glancing towards the silver car that had passed me earlier. I had seen a pale skinny guy with baggy clothes leaning against the car, not even noticing my what had now become a stare. His eyes looked as if they sparkled, but there was no true expression on his face. Just looking at his eyes had sent a shiver down my spine.

I walked into the school, receiving random stares from kids, likely because of my spiky hair. I talked to the lady at the office, getting my schedule. I could see someone in the corner of my eye staring at me, and when I looked it was the same guy from the car. This time I got a better look at him, seeing blonde dreads pulled into a ponytail. There was a girl with dead-straight blonde hair leaning on him whispering in his ear, but he didn’t seem to be paying much attention as he continuously stared at me. I could hear that the girl’s name was Livi. I should have figured, it’s not likely for there to be a hot gay guy.

I follow my schedule to my first class, noticing that the only empty seat was by the car guy. I tried to pay attention, but that didn’t work out to well. 1. I had already taken Chemistry. 2. There was a hot, possibly straight guy next to me. O would glance over, as it seemed he would move closer then farther each time. When the bell finally rang, I looked over and he was no where in sight. All of a sudden, an all too cheery girl popped up in my face.

“Hi, I’m Julia, you must be Bill.” She said, as if she was the greeting committee. If I was straight, I guess she was tad attractive.

“Um, yeah, I am. I was wondering, do you know where room 182 is?” I asked, pretending I couldn’t figure out a simple number system, to make her feel useful.

“Oh yeah! I have to go there too. Here, come on, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Ugh. I don’t want to meet ‘everyone.’ She then grabbed my hand and pulled me to my next class. On the way I frantically searched the halls for the car guy, but he was no where in sight.

English. Thank goodness. My favorite class, no matter where. The class was reading Taming of the Shrew, apparently in groups. Julia, I think, pulled me into her group, introducing me to this ‘everyone.’

There was Emma, Todd, Peter and her. They hardly talked about the book and more so about their social calendar in which I blanked out, having dirty thoughts about the guy with the dreads. Before I knew it the bell rang, causing me to head to lunch. I ended up sitting with the same group from English. All I got was a soda for there was too much on my mind. But still caffeine.

When I finally started paying attention I asked “So, um, who are they?” nodding towards Livi and four other people, two girls and two guys. Both girls had dark hair; one had longer hair than the other did. One of the guys had copper-bronze type hair while the other had blonde. The girls were as beautiful as Livi, and the guys looked like models.

Peter just glanced towards me, or more so glared. “Why don’t you just find out yourself Mr. Hotshot?” Grumpy much.

“Fine.” I replied, picking up my books and my drink, throwing it out on my walk there.

“WAIT!” said Julia “You need to know names.” I nodded my head. “Well, the blonde girl, she’s Livi. The one brunette with longer hair, that’s Bella. The one with the shorter hair is Alice. The blonde boy is Jasper while the other one is Edward. Hmm. Usually there is a guy here with blonde dreads. Dr. Cullen adopts them all, I think. But they seem to be together in pairs a lot. We’re not really sure. They tend to stray away from others, outcasts. Don’t get any thoughts, they don’t date anyone.” Said Julia. “But I think that Jasper and Alice are together, same with Bella and Edward.” I smiled, knowing that Tom was with no one.

I slowly walked over to the table, all eyes faced towards me. I wasn’t able to say anything when…
♠ ♠ ♠
Woot woot.