The Party Scene

"Hey kid you've got a lot of potential but I think it's time to move up..." sang Alex in front of a small crowd standing outside of the garage. And potential is something this band has definitely got. Stop. Rewind. Zurpp. Hailing from the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland the group of boys simply set out to make music people appreciated and what they found was something truly special. It all started when who would soon become the lead singer of a sensational band had the idea, he informed his two best friends, and both agreed this would be something fun to start. They all knew how hard it would be, but that never stopped them, they cleared some space, and got all the right equipment, but all that was missing was a bassist. It was fortunate to find one in a town not to far away. So after finding the missing member, the four immediately started to collaborate ideas, and lyrics and sheet music and the whole shebang. It was only after a couple of years would the boys realize just how popular they would become. And even possibly signing on to a record label. These boys had potential no doubt. Would all the fame get to their heads? Not for these boys, they weren't about "selling out" at all. They were in this for the pure enjoyment, and this was something they'd always wanted. It all just happened so much faster than any of them could ever dream. Not that they were complaining. What started as a small joke has now turned into a big joke!

"Wouldn't it suck if..." let me introduce you to Jack Barakat, he's the lead guitarist and back vocalist, and Alex best friend, sidekick in crime, the two were practically inseparable. "I basically got in because I could do a kick-flip..." this here is Zack Merrick, he was a new addition to the band, but it was lucky they found his talent, he maybe shy and not talk, but the boys got the body. Does he ever wear a shirt...well yes on some occasions. But why hide such precious thing? "Look at me, I'm the one behind the three chimps, the one banging the hell out of my drum!" that's right, this is Rian Dawson. He may be hidden, but he's back there because you can hear his mad beats throughout any concert hall. He may not look like the other boys, wearing skinny jeans, but he fits right in. "I always look ridiculously hot, it's what I do." scratch that, while it may be true. "Look I have sex hair for the third day in a row" hmm maybe because you only shower three days out of the week...scratch that too. "I have a belly button..." you guessed it, last but not least there's Alex Gaskarth, the front man. He's the reason for this band. It's reasons like him that this world keeps spinning on it's axis. These four boys are something else, but you can't help falling in love with them, their sound, their jokes, did I mention them.
  1. Hit The Lights
    Alex wants to start a band...
  2. A Day Of Adventures
    The boys have a long day ahead of them...
  3. The Boy Has Joke
    The boys have a full day ahead of them of cleaning, and joking.
  4. Suspension
    Jack likes a girl... and there may be someone to play bass now.
  5. One Day, A Bassist
    Zack comes to audition for the band.
  6. He's A Heartbreaker
    There's a new girl in town, and she's got Alex's...lips?
  7. She'll Be The Death Of You
    Alex has to choose one girl...but we see that things aren't really as they seem.
  8. Two To one
    Athena's friends don't think Alex is a good match for her, do they have a reason to believe this is true?
  9. Where's Your Heart?
    Rumors are beginning to be spread, and it's half true...
  10. Say You'll Mean It
    Alex begins to lie to Athena, but he doesn't know she knows what he's up to.
  11. Never Look Back
    Jack gets the let down and Alex...gets caught.
  12. The Scene of the Party
    There's always bound to be trouble at parties...
  13. Life On Standby
    Alex is having trouble remembering the previous night.
  14. Get Up, Get Out