The Party Scene

She'll Be The Death Of You

Chapter 7
She'll Be The Death Of You

Did you hear the news...
Did you see them...
He left her standing there alone.
They ended it.
Alex and Jewelz broke up.

It was true, the whole school had figured it out, school in other town figured it out. Alex and Jewlez had split up. That was all that anyone could talk about, even the teachers were heard gushing about the news during passing time.

"I don't see what the big deal is." said Alex frustrated slamming locker 107 shut.

"You two broke up, that's what the deal is, every single girl in this school wants you, Alex." said Rain.

"That's not true..." barked Alex. It was totally true, and he knew it.

"Breaking news...Alex Gaskarth is single." laughed the boys.

"This just in....a swarm of girls is lined up to prove they have what it takes to put up with Alex." said Rian.

"Who will he choose!" said Jack jumping up and down.

"SHUT UP!" exclaimed Alex not getting a kick out of this joke.

"How about Becca or Crystal...Leslie." started Jack.

"Katie, Holly, Micha, Serena..." said Rian pointing at girls as they passed by. Alex walked off, and went to the parking lot where his mom was waiting, and he left without Jack. He wasn't in the mood to deal with his friends and their nonsense today.

"I think we made him upset." said Jack with his fingers in the corners of his mouth making a sad face.

"He'll get over it, eventually. It's Alex...he's not going to be single for a day." shot Rian.

"Should we go apologize?" questioned Jack as they walked outside to not find Alex's moms van there waiting for him. "He left us.." he said with his jaw dropped.

"I think we should...this is huge." said Rian stopping inches behind Jack. "How are we going to get home?" he asked.

"You boys need a ride?" asked a females voice from behind them. They spun around to find a gorgeous girl. "I'm Athena..." she smiled.

"Uh. ye..umm, ugh." sputtered Jack. Rian had no better luck.

"I'll take that as a yes, my sister and I can drop you off." she laughed.

"Thanks." Rian managed to say. This girl was pretty, real pretty. She had long wave black hair that flowed past her shoulder, and her skin was flawless, flawless Asian skin tone, and her eyes were her best feature apart from her smile. They were almond shaped, and a swirling creamy color that captured anyone's gaze.

"So where do we drop you off at?" she asked.

"Alex-" began Jack.

"Alex Gaskarths, of course..." she chuckled.

"Do you know where he li-" started Rian.

"Lives, of course...who doesn't know where he lives." she cut in. She was absolutely breath taking, the boys had never seen any one more beautiful than she was. Yet, they had never seen her before, why had that been?

"We've never seen you around school..." said the two boys staring.

"Well, I've seen you both always running around with Alex. You three never leave each others sight." she giggled.

"Yeah, ha ha...that's us." said Jack dumbly.
The rest of the car ride neither boys decided to speak, for the fear of sounding like an idiot in front of this beautiful girl who had offered to give them a ride.

Back home, Alex's mom had dropped him off, and returned back to work, and he was left to be all alone. Not exactly how he wanted the day to end up, but it's what he got.

"I'm coming." he shouted. At the door was Lena, she quickly walked past him and grabbed his hand just as he shut the door and led him over to the couch. "Hey there!" he smiled following her as she led him.

"So I'm thinking you need to be cheered up!" she smiled as they plopped onto the couch. She was wearing short white shorts that barely covered herself up, and a revealing v-neck halter-top. "What do you say?" she asked,

"Baby, I'm already happy!" he said grabbing her by the waist and laying her down on the couch with him on top. He lightly kissed her soft pink lips, and she kissed back.

"Wait..." she stopped to catch her breath. He'd never heard that before. Wait? "This isn't right..." she said sitting back up pushing him off of her. He looked over at her confused.

"Why? You've got to be the first girl who's ever told me I couldn't kiss them." he furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's not that, I just want to get one thing and Jewelz are done right?" she asked. He nodded his head up and down, and she took him by the sleeve and pulling him on top of her once more. Lena knew exactly what she was doing, and Alex knew too. He knew exactly what he was doing, he was filling in his void; that gap where Jewelz used to be. He needed this, he longed to kiss a girl, any girl just to keep his mind off of her. And Lena was hot, she was the perfect girl. He didn't know what her reason was for accepting to join, but frankly he didn't give a damn.

Fifteen minutes later, the two were still glued to each other with their tongues lodged in each others mouth until the doorbell rang. It was Jack and Rian, and Athena had asked if she could tag along. The boys had an idea that would make Alex hopefully forgive them. Athena however, had no idea about the plan.

"What do you want?" asked Alex as he opened the door. Lena was hiding behind him clutching and tugging at his sleeve.

"Can we...uh...come in?" they asked their eyes on Lena.

"I guess..." he sighed. "Who's that?" he asked.

"I'm Athena." she smiled as they all walked in and made their way to the couch.

"That’s cool." he said shutting the door. He and Lena were the last in the room, and Alex sat on the chair opposite the couch, and Lena sat on top of him as he hugged her body to him. Athena turned slightly taken off guard.

"Something wrong?" Lena asked her.

"Nothing." she faked a smile. What she wanted to say, and really should have said was; Yes, you're wrong, you need to get off of him. But she held back, she would play it easy. In the end she'd make Alex his, she just needed to get this tick off of him someway. What she didn't know was Rian and Jack were on her side, they we're hoping to get him off Lena, and for him and Athena to be together.

"Okay..." said Lena rudly.

"Can I see you in the kitchen?" said Rian to Alex.

"I'll be right back babe." he said kissing Lena on the forehead as he got up. Jack to followed leaving the two girls alone.
In the kitchen the three boys sat around the table.

"What?" he asked.

"Get rid of that clingy new girl, please." said Rian.

"We bring you pretty Asian girl who's nice!" said a perky Jack.

"You brought her for me...?" said Alex confused.

"We thought this would make you happy, someone to get your mind off Jewelz...we're sorry for what happened earlier." said Rian fidgeting with the table cloth. Alex leaned back in his chair to peek into the living room where he could just get a glimpse of Athena.

"I don't even know her..." he explained.

"And you know that knew girl?" snapped Rian.

"He knows her mouth." slipped Jack. "I'm so sorry Alex...I'll slap myself now." he squeeled.

"What to I do about Lena then?" he asked.

"Just tell her, that you know what you're looking for now and you've found it." suggested Rian.

"Tell her she sucks at kissing." added Jack.

"That's a lie, she's great at kissing." immediately shot Alex.

"Well make up something...or you could always kiss Athena, and hope that Lena will see, that seemed to work for Jewelz." laughed Rian. Not a time to joke.

"Shut up man." exclaimed Alex standing up and walking back in the living room. He went and sat back down in his chair and helped Lena to sit back on him.

"Ehmm." Jack cleared his throat as Lena began to kiss Alex again. Just then the front door barged open.

"JEWELZ!" gasped all three boys. Alex stood up instantly knocking Lena hard on the floor.

"Why am I not fucking surprised." she bitterly shouted.

"What the hell are you doing breaking into my house?" shouted Alex.

"I came to drop all your shit off." she seethed.

"Good! Now leave!" he exclaimed.

"You're such a manwhore Alex Gaskarth." she laughed. "Girls, he's not worth your time, he'll just cheat on you too." she continued.

"Get out you bitch." said Alex charging at her. She raised her arms up.

"I'm so scared, what are you going to do Alex?" she asked. "You'd never hit a girl." she chuckled.

"Leave!" he demanded.

"I'm going, I'm going, by the's not a good idea to hide your house key under the plant pot..." she cooed, and tossed him the key then slammed the door.

"What is everyone staring at?" he asked flaming red. Everyone twitched their heads and suddenly clamored in talking. "I need to be alone." he sighed and walking into the garage. Ten minutes later he heard a tiny knock on the door, and then it opened to reveal Athena. He was surprised to see her and not Lena his fun little make-out buddy.

"Hi..." she breathed.

"Hey, sorry you had to witness all that." he said kicking his feet at the cement.

"It's fine." she smiled. "You shouldn't have to deal with her anymore."

"Yeah, you try telling her that." he laughed, she joined in. "So, can I ask you something? Jack and Rian are well..." he began.

"I think I know." she finished.

"Well, yeah...of course you know. So what do you say?" he said jabbing his hands into his pockets.

"If you're asking me to go out with you, I'd love too...but is this what you really want?" she asked. If this was what he wanted, then she didn't have to work as hard as she thought she would have to.

"Well, I'm not sure...maybe?" he stuttered. He sure was doing that a lot recently. "It's just that Lena..." Maybe she would have to work at it.

"Let me deal with her, okay?" she asked. Alex agreed. Athena walked out of the garage and back into the living room. "Whew! That boy!" she exclaimed fanning her left hand in front of her face, and adjusting her clothes with the other. Alex was right behind her peeking through a crack between the barely opened door. This girl was a pro.

"What!? What about him?" said Lena shocked, nearly as shocked as the two other boys were.

"Nothing, but I see why you can't keep your hands off him, or well in your case, why you can't keep your tongue in your own mouth.

"WHAT!" shouted Lena stomping over to Athena. Alex came into full presence and everyone turned to face him.

"Lena...I'm sorry, I can't be trusted." he said seriously.

"It's true!" added in Jack and Rian.

"So, you're choosing her?" Lena frowned.

"I'm afraid so..." he said grabbing her by the hands. "But it was fun while it lasted." he said helping her out of the house, giving her a little wink before shutting the door.

"GO ALEX!" said Jack jumping up and down.

"This just in...he's chosen, sorry girls we found a keeper!" said Rian in a deep manly voice, something that he was still hoping to get. Alex chuckled somehow not finding this day going good at all. He sat on the couch and faked happy for everyone, but who knows maybe Athena would turn out to be really great and he could find himself with her. But all he knew was he felt miserable for what he'd done to Lena. He opened his cell phone up, and typed in a message. "Sorry." sent girl who was walking up the street to her house, muttering words to herself.

"The fun isn't over." she said to herself just at the time when her phone began to vibrate. She opened to see "Sorry." she smiled to herself, maybe Alex Gaskarth has strings attached after all...maybe just maybe he would crawl back to her. The only thing Lena knew was that she wasn't done, she had a mind full of ideas. What she didn't know was that so did her competition Athena, who currently was quickly falling for the charm of one confused boy.
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I need feedback in order to continue to post chapters, please.
It starts to get good from here on out now. :)