Three Cheers for Super Powers

Chapter 2.

“What are you doing out of bed?” The doctor asked me, Frank and Ray. “You should be getting rest.” He had another doctor with him.

“No offence, but I’d rather not be here at all.” Frank said. “We’re all in pretty good shape considering so when can we go home?” Trust Frank, he does hate hospitals with a passion though.

“I’d preferably like to keep you in for a few days to monitor how…”

“Look, I’d rather be at home. If we feel anything like dizziness or stuff like that, we’ll come back in.”

“I don’t think you realise the seriousness…”

“Look,” Gerard interrupted him. “We wanna go home, so if you let us out with pain killers or what ever stuff you give out or not, we are going home today.”

The two doctors spoke quietly to each other for a few minutes, as did the five of us. We were gonna all go round to Ray’s place, it was the biggest place. The doctors turned back to us.

“If we let you home today, then you must promise to come back for a check up in a week’s time.” The second doctor said to us.

“Sure that’s fine.” Frank said, looking ecstatically happy.

“And any dizziness, nausea, fainting, you come straight back.”

“Gotcha.” I said.

“Right, we’ll get some crutches for Mr. Bryar and then there are some forms that we’d like you to fill in.” The first doctor left.

“I’m sorry, but the only clothes that you have here are the ones you were brought in with.” The second doctor told us. I could tell by her trying not to smile big time that she knew who we were.

“That’s fine. Do you think you could call two cabs for us?” Ray asked. The doctor nodded. “Thanks.”

It turns out that it hadn’t been last night the accident happened, it was the night before. We’d all been asleep for around 30 hours. An hour later, we were back at Ray’s. Bob was having fun trying to balance on his crutches. The doctor had told us what we needed to know and Gerard told us that the police had already spoken to him about the accident. Frank may have been driving, but it was Gerard’s car (we all had an individual car but we were all insured on each others, in case one of us couldn’t or didn’t feel up to driving).

We’d all been out of it for a day and a half but we were all pretty tired still. Luckily, Ray’s place had more than 5 bedrooms, one of the ground floor so Bob didn’t have to worry about climbing stairs with his foot and the rest of us could all have a room each. Technically we already did. I remember when we were round a few months ago and we claimed a room each.

So we all decided to get a few hours more sleep. But it was straight after this that things began to get really weird.

I woke up at around 6 in the evening, 2 hours after we’d all gone to bed. I sat up and yawned. I walked over to the mirror to check on my injuries when I noticed something. They were gone. The cut where I had stitches had closed up, not even scarring. But two hours ago, it had been there. I looked back at my pillow and saw the stitches were there. I frowned, wanting to know what had happened.

My phone suddenly went off, making me jump and hit my arm against the wall. Ok, that was even more weird. The arm I hit was my broken one, yet I felt no pain what so ever. I tapped it with my hand, wanting to see if it was a fluke. It wasn’t.

I frowned, then went over to my phone to see who had text me. Just the service operator asking if I wanted to take part in a deal or something, I pressed delete. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, giving me an electric shock. I jumped and turned to see Ray.

“Ray, fuck man, you just gave me an electric shock!” I said.

“Really?” He seemed amused. Then he noticed my head. “Mikey, what happened to your cut?”

I don’t know. I woke up just now, had a look at it and it’s gone. And even weirder, I whacked my arm and it didn’t even hurt.” Ray’s eyebrows shot up.

“Seriously? But you had a broken arm.” He said confused.

“I know. Is anyone else up?”

“Yeah, Frank and Bob only slept for about an hour and Gerard and I woke up about 20 minutes ago.”

“Cool. Let me get changed quickly.” Also something about Ray’s house is the fact that we have a few spare change of clothes each. Very handy for times like today.

I changed into a pair of faded jeans with my ‘Don’t Google Yourself’ t-shirt. I’d been wondering where that went. Guess I must have left it here last time.
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So, what's going on with Mikey? Well, since you already know it's a powers fic, I guess you can guess.

I'll put up a powers list soon, but it'll be at the end of each chapter, so it doesn't ruin it at the beginning for new readers.

I'm gonna whore out all my stories right now.

Photographs Of Unforgotten Pasts. This is a FRIKEY jointly written by me and Sam.
Have You Heard The News That Your Dead? Tis A FRERARD!!
We Are The Same Blood. A TAI..., FOB, P(!)ATD & MCR Vampire fic.
Things Have Changed For Me. A P(!)ATD story.
It's A Dog's Life. This is the first in a trilogy. First story (this one) is MCR, next is P(!)ATD, third is both and set 18 years later.
The next two are both Mighty Boosh stories. The first is T.J. and the second is Trisha Comes To Life.
Sugar You Look Good And I'm Pregnant. This is a Pete/Gabe (PEBE) slash, girl!Pete and slight MPREG. Check it out!
This one isn't mine at all, it's Sam's, but it is an amazing story. It's a RYDON and girl!Ryan, and it's called Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Mine?

Whore time over. Comment any or all of the above please!

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo