Three Cheers for Super Powers

Chapter 3.

I went downstairs to find the guys in the garden. It was still really warm and it wouldn’t be dark for another 3 hours roughly. Gerard offered me a cigarette which I took gratefully. I hadn’t been smoking long, just a few months. I’d started after Alicia left 4 months ago. I lit up and I could see everyone looking at my head.

“I know as much as you about it.” I told them, knowing exactly what they were curious about.
“It’s just too weird. How can it just disappear in 2 hours?” Frank asked.

“Same as how can my broken arm heal itself in 2 hours.” I hit my cast really hard and felt no pain what so ever.

“Reckon you could pass some of that healing onto my leg?” Bob asked.

“But I don’t even know how I did it.”

“I reckon we should try and get Mikey’s cast off.” Ray said.

“Yeah, and how do I explain that to the doctors when we go back?” I said to him.

“True.” He replied.

‘I wonder if I actually do have healing powers.’ I thought to myself.

“Yeah, that would be a laugh Mikey, healing powers.” Frank grinned.

“Frank, what are you talking about? Mikey didn’t say anything.” Gerard told him.

“He didn’t?” Frank paled.

I had thought that and Frank had heard it. What the fuck? But I wonder…

‘Frank, if you can hear this, I’m gonna burn Pansy.’ I thought. I wanted to get a reaction from him. Sure enough, he turned deathly white.

“Michael James Way, you keep your god damn hands off my Pansy!” He screeched. Hmm, I guess I shouldn’t have mentioned burning Pansy, I knew how much he loved that guitar. And I knew I had really pissed him off because when ever he or Gerard were really mad at me, they would always call me Michael, not Mikey.

“What the fuck Frank?” Ray said.

“Ok, as much as this sounds weird, I think he’s telepathic. Because I thought the healing powers thing and I told him if he could hear me, I was gonna burn Pansy.” I turned to Frank.
“Which I’m not, I just needed to get a reaction out of you.”

“Great, I’m a freak.” He mumbled.

“You and me both. I am the amazing healing wonder you know.” I told him.

“Mikey, I think you should try it.” Ray said.

“Try what?”

“Healing Bob’s leg. If you can heal yourself, maybe you can heal other people.”

“This is so fucked up man.” Gerard said. “I mean, come on, powers?”

“It may be fucked up, but it’s happening.” I said to my brother. I turned to Bob. “Uh, what should I do?” I asked everyone.

“Put your hand on his leg, or something like that.” Frank said.

I put both my hands on his broken leg and thought about it healing. I felt warmth spread across my hands and when I felt it leave, I removed my hands. I looked at Bob. “Did it work?”

“Well if it didn’t, I’m really gonna regret this.” He forcefully brought his fist down onto his cast, waited a few seconds, then smiled at us. “It fucking worked dude! No pain!”

“Oh my God.” My eyes widened. I really did have healing powers. I looked around at the others. “Want me to heal all you guys too?” They nodded. Great, now I’m just gonna be used as an easy fix when everyone hurts themselves now.

‘But we still love you Mikey.’ I heard Frank’s voice, but his lips didn’t move. My eyes widened. ‘I take it I can talk to people with this then by the way your looking at me?’

‘Yep. That’s very cool.’ I thought to him. ‘Try talking to all of us in your mind at once.’

‘Bob, Gee and Ray smell.’ I heard in my mind.

“Hey!” The three of them shouted. Me and Frank giggled.

“I said that in my mind. Guess I can talk to everyone at once if I want to.”

“This is freaky. Why do you think me and Frank have these…” I tried to think of a suitable word. “…powers?”

“No idea. But it just healed my leg, so I’m glad you do.” Bob grinned.

“I’m being serious dude.”

“I dunno. Maybe something about the accident triggered them?” Ray suggested. He was always a logical one, but right now he didn’t make sense.

“But if they did, wouldn’t you guys have them too?” Gerard and Bob shrugged. Ray just grinned at us. “What?”

“Follow me.” He started to walk inside. The rest of us, confused as fuck, followed him. Bob had some difficultly getting up the stairs with his cast still on but he managed. He led us up to his bedroom and when we walked in, our jaws dropped. Ray was lying in bed, but he was also standing next to us.
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So I'm at a friend's house tonight (and last night) but I thought I should update. I didn't have my laptop with me last night, but I went home and got my chapter updates so you should be happy.

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Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo