Status: On Hiatus

You Know You Make Me Wanna Scream

Chapter 17

I left my room and headed to find Frank. I saw him sitting in his office and seemed to be in deep thought. I cleared my throat and he snapped out of his thoughts. He looked at me and smiled then told me to sit down on the chair across from him.

"I need to talk to you about something." Frank said then waved at the door and it closed. I wasn't shocked since I always see that back at the old castle.

"It's about my ex-wives. I just want to be honest with you to make this marriage work and that it's better if you heard this from me than some other person" I nodded and he carried on. "Well, um...I've had two other wives Sarah and Michelle. They weren't human and born vampires. Sarah was my first and Michelle my second. Neither of them trully loved me and married me for power.

"Eventually, they got killed but not by me of course. I couldn't let myself to do it. Actually, no one knew how they got killed and the others just blamed me. So, that's why some fear me and hate me. I'm not a killer or a bad guy as they say."

So, if he says he's not a bad guy then why he forced me to marry him? I asked for myself and he read my mind and shook his head.

"I just want to feel loved. No one ever loved not even my parents. I saw something in you that I haven't in my other wives...You have a big heart. You humans have emotions and have the ability to love but not us. And if we do it's rare. I'm having second thoughts on turning you but if I don't I won't be able to stay with you forever." Frank explained.

I felt bad for him...a lot. I was having second thoughts on the plan. He's been through a lot, his two wives married him for power and not love.

"I'm really sorry Frank." I said standing up and hugged him.

"Just promise me something, Samantha." He said looking in my eyes. "That you will love me and stay with me no matter what happens."

I froze. I couldn't promise him that while I loved Zacky. However, he was right when he said I had a big heart. I couldn't let him get hurt again. I knew that there is someone that will love him but that someone wasn't me. I had to lie...for now at least.

"I promise I will." Those words barely came out of my mouth.

"I love you." He said. Again I didn't say it back and he sensed that. "You don't have to say it back, but in time you will."

I smiled weakly at him and kissed his lips softly. When I was about to pull away he grabbed me by my neck and pulled me to him which led me to sit on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepend the kiss. After a while, I felt something glowing on my chest. I quickly glanced and saw that it was the necklace.

I pulled away and got up from his lap and grabbed the necklace. And when I did it stopped glowing and I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked worried.

"Nothing. I just remembered to ask you something." I said and he nodded.

"Am I ever gonna see Zacky and the others again? I mean I know that he'd treated me like shit but I know that he regrets it and Matt too." I asked biting my lip.

"I don't know. I really don't trust you with them. They might take you away from me."

I sighed sitting back down on the chair. "Then all you have to do is trust me. I made a promise to you and I'm not gonna break it."

He thought for a minute then responded. "Alright, I trust you." I smiled at him and was about to leave but he stopped me.

"One more thing...What's that around your neck?" He asked curiously.

"Um, a necklace?" I answered rasing my eyebrows.

"I know that but who gave it to you?"

"My dad gave it to me when I was little. He loved spoiling me with gifts like this." I lied hoping he believed me.

Judging by his looks he did and turned back to his desk and I left the office closing the door behind me. I leaned against the door and sighed then went to my room thinking why did the necklace glow. I was hoping to see Zacky tomorrow to ask him that and tell him what happened when he left.
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thanks to everyone who commented xD