Tempered in Silence

The End.


The band got a lot of publicity because of security tapes that were released. Matt had to take anger management classes-which was laughable considering-but the man got put in jail so it seemed fair. Emmy loved matt even more for being her knight in shining armor. I couldn’t seem to keep my hands off of him It brought about a cange in Matt too. He wasn’t as skittish about showing that rough-and-tough side when it was needed mostly because he knew we all liked seeing it.

A couple of months after the incident, matt and I got married. Emmy’s name was changed to Sanders and I gave Matt some big news. He stared at me, “No.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but that’s what happens when you don’t use a condom.” I stood up from the bed and grabbed my pillow. You tell a man you’re pregnant with his second child and he says no? what the fuck? I was on the couch for about ten minutes when Matt came down.

“Eliza, look. I didn’t mean it like that. I want more kids. As much as I love Emmy, you know I want more kids. It’s just that the timing is really bad. I’m still adjusting to emmy and we just got married.”

“Well, let’s just yank it out and put it on ice, Matt.” I sent him a look.

He sighed, “God damn it, Eliza. I love you and I already love this.” Hi shand setted over my stomach, “I was just surprised. On top of that, I’d really love it if we could just be a family as we are. Since we can’t then I guess I need to man u and lve this baby as much as I love Emmy.”

“Sounds like all the right stuff to say instead of ‘no.’” I rolled my eyes.

“Am I forgiven?” He kissed my neck.

“I think we can work stuff out.” I grinned at him over my shoulder and he scooped me up. I laughed as he carried me upstairs and laughed even harder when he dropped my night gown in the hall. Someone was eager to prove himself tonight.

He hushed me, placing a finger over my lips and odd thought occurred to me. Nearly seven years ago, Matt and I had fallen in love, an emotion forged in silence that couldn’t be broken.
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Okay this is the first full story I've ever posted on this site, as opposed to the over twenty I have on quizilla.com. I'm going to slowly transfer some here, with grammar checks and full banner credits. Speaking of which, as of right now, I've received no banners for this one and the one posted is by me.