Sunset Strip Souveneirs

Glamorize Cocaine


As Roxxie ran through the crowd of people to the exit clutching her eye, I glare at both Vince and Bret.

“What the fuck have you done you fucking assholes!” I screech at the top of my lungs as they have realized what’s happened and stopped their fight.

Before anyone replies, Nikki flies through the crowd after her and I’m left seething with rage at two dumb blonds.

“Ugh!” I grab a bottle of Jagermeister and storm into the bathroom with the bag of coke down my bra.
I don’t think they know I still have it.

“Scarlett?” someone calls my name and pushes the door open.
I was wrong.

“Yes, Tommy?” I lowly growl, still angry at what happened to my girl and now pissed that I can’t steal cocaine in privacy anymore.

“Are you OK?”

“No I’m not OK!” I throw the stall door open and glide back out to sit on one of the broken sinks. “But shouldn’t you be asking Roxxie that question and not me?” I pull the Jager lid off and drink as much in one go as possible.

“Slow down” Tommy says firmly and rips the bottle from me.

“Fuck you, Tommy!” I glower at him, reaching for the bottle but he holds it out of my reach.
“Don’t make me give you a black eye too!”

“Scarlett shut up, we’ll go sort this out”

My eyes red with over-dramatics, I take a few deep breaths I slowly reach for the bottle once more, which he passes to me. I take a swig before taking his hand and we go back into the club.
We find everyone has left for the Motley house near enough, so head that way.

However I decide it’s in my best interests to find Roxxie, who will probably be at home. Tommy insists on walking me home, which I refuse and instead dart away and hide until he gives up looking for me.
I reach home about twenty minutes later and see Roxxie’s bag on the floor, so clearly she’s back.

“Rox’?” I call.

“She’s gone to bed” a deep voice tells me, making me jump.
I spin around and look into the dark, finding Nikki on my sofa.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask sceptically.

“Well I came to look after her, but then she got pissed and just went to her room. I wanted to stay just to make sure she was OK though”

“And you’re gonna make sure she’s on by being sat out here, not watching her? Not that she would need watching from merely a smack in the face”

Nikki looks blankly at me. I sigh deeply and sit beside him in the sofa, putting my bag under the coffee table and putting the bottle of Jagermeister down on top of it.
I flick on some late night TV and drink from the bottle, passing it to him before asking my question.

“So, now that I’m here. Why are you still here?”

“Uh...I’ll go”

“Nah it’s OK. I just wondered” I grab his arm before he gets up to run away from me.

His gaze meets mine. My arm slips away and I become soaked in by his gorgeous face, half hidden by the shadows dancing from the TV.

“I’ll go get some more to drink” I get up before doing anything stupid.

I stumble to the kitchen and back, after successfully discovering a full litre bottle of vodka and full large JD bottle too.

“Cool” Nikki mumbles as I sit back down.

I hesitate before pulling out the bag of coke, dangling it between my thumb and forefinger.

“I wondered where that had gone” he tries not to smile at me.

That bag of coke and a trip to the liquor store later, we had come to find lingering weed in my room and are currently laying in the bath, fucked out of our minds.
I’m leaning at one end with my legs down either side at the bottom of the tub, while he’s at the other end with his sticking out of the sides. And no, it’s not full of water, that’d be silly.

“Nikki, what’s your problem with me?” I ask of all random times.

“I don’t have a problem with you Scarlett” he states.

“You so fucking do” I take a drink from my JD bottle and light up a cigarette. “It started when you ran into me, then when that was all OK. You fucking gave me the dirtiest look when Tommy accused you of stealing me”

“That’s cos...” he trails off, leaving me desperately needing an end to his sentence.

“What?!” I shout. Agitated and drunk, also sleepy but mainly agitated because I want to know his reasons.

“That’s because I uh, I can’t deal with the hassle Tommy gives me when I fuck someone he likes”

“He likes me?” I scoff. “Bullshit. Nobody likes me. and who said I’d fuck you anyway?”

He looks down from the ceiling, directly at me.

“Well I dunno if he does now, but he did then.”

“Right. But, you didn’t answer my other question, who said I’d fuck you?” I stare directly at him, interested in seeing if it’d make him uncomfortable.

He doesn’t reply, instead I watch him slowly pull one of his legs inside the tub and lean forwards, towards me. I’m too intoxicated to think with my brain rather than my cunt, and I lean towards him, smashing our lips together like two magnets which can’t escape one another. We don’t bother playing stupid, it’s full on. But I break off.

“This is the most uncomfortable place ever” I grab the side and pull myself out, I smash my body against the wall and pull him out.

He crashes into me and my re-connect, stumbling towards my room step by step.

“Scarlett?” I hear Roxxie call.

“Fuck. Move” I know full well, she would be pissed at me if she knew.
I push Nikki through my bedroom door and her ripping her bedroom door open, coincides with the huge bang Nikki makes when landing on my bed, making it unnoticeable.

“Where have you been?” she demands.

“Uh, downstairs. I was watchin’ TV and now I’m going to bed” I reply, slipping through my door and sliding the bolt in place. I probably should have asked how her face was feeling, but right now my libido is not being put on hold for her consideration.

I jump straight on top of him as we proceed to rip each other clothes off while grinding into each other with deep lust.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to you guys for reading and suchlike!
I'm sorry this one sucks a bit but i needed it off my chest.
<3Nikki fucking Sixx

Comments etc are appreciated