Status: Completed

Even Forever Doesn't Seem Like Long Enough

"Brendon Is My New Best Friend"

We got past security no problem- Hannah nearly got us kicked back out after she almost screamed really high pitched in excitement.

The man looked at her a little funny but we kept her casual and we wandered down the hallway.

"Just so you know this will only be a brief meeting- fifteen minutes max- because everyone's got to get going soon, they're busy guys," Brendon explained.

"Yeah, that's understandable, we're just very grateful you're even doing this at all," I grinned thankfully at him.

"Anything for you," He smiled back. Blushing, I covered my cheek with my free hand and squeezed his with the one I was holding.

"You two are so adorable together," Hannah sighed dreamily which caused Brendon and I to look over at her and chuckle slightly.

"Thanks," He replied.

"See, now aren't you glad I was pushy about that drink?" She raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

"Hannah, you were sent by the angels," Brendon complimented with a wide smile. Hannah flushed red wildly and avoided eye contact.

"It's just around this corner," Brendon directed.

But as Ruby and Hannah turned the corner, Brendon grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"What's wrong?" I asked, quite startled.

He shook his head, "I just-" He paused and brought his deep brown eyes up to meet mine. They were filled with so many different emotions that were flashing past so quickly I couldn't pinpoint them.

"Okay fine, just leave us wand-" Hannah's voice interrupted but she cut herself off as Brendon and I shot her identical 'give-us-a-second' looks. She smiled apologetically and backed up around the corner.

I turned back to face him, "What is it?" I placed my hands gently on his chest.

Feeling his chest expand as he took a very deep breath, he ran a hand through his hair and plucked up the courage to make eye-contact.

It was unnerving that he thought he needed to be brave to look at me.

I smiled reassuringly even though I didn't feel it myself.

"Okay," He began, "Right, if I don't do it now, I'll never do it so I'm just going to come right out with it and stop being such a coward," He determined.

I frowned, "Come right out with what? Brendon, you're not making any-"

I was stopped abruptly when he took my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine.

Taking in a sharp breath, I kissed back. The kiss was short and sweet, not deep but passionate beyond belief. I felt so different afterwards- I even thought my heart had stopped for those few seconds.

He pulled away from me and I didn't breathe out for a short while.

"Well..." I exhaled, "That makes sense now," I opened my eyes and he smiled at me before taking my hand again. He wandered around the corner, bringing me with him and me complying due to still being in a state of shock.

As we came to a door, Brendon stopped us and knocked on it gently.

"Come in!" A voice came through the door.

"None of you are going to faint are you?" Brendon asked quickly.

"No," Ruby and Hannah chorused followed by me shaking my head.

"Good," He nodded before pushing down on the handle and leading us inside, "Hey guys, great show,"

"Thanks," The four boys said simultaneously as the three of us stepped in sheepishly.

"Um... Guys, this is Ruby, Hannah and Amber, I hope you don't mind but they wanted to meet you," He introduced, urging the three of us forwards.

"Of course not," Ronnie smiled welcomingly at us and it eased my nervousness slightly.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Brandon," Brandon stuck his hand out which each of us shook, individually introducing ourselves as he went down the line.

Each of 'the Killers' introduced themselves politely and I was sure that I could hear Hannah hyperventilating- My reaction to which was almost going hysterical at her.

The four guys were extremely pleasant and very willing to sign stuff for us.

"Thank you," I whispered to Brendon as I stood beside him.

"What kind of person would I be if I didn't use my job to help the most gorgeous girl in the world?" He complimented, briefly locking and unlocking our fingers.

I grinned at him and dropped my head.

"Well, it was lovely to meet you girls but it's about time we got going," Mark announced, "You know, touring to do, songs to play,"

"Oh, of course! Thank you very much, it was nice of you not to kick us out," Ruby joked.

They all chuckled slightly and we exchanged goodbyes before they grabbed their stuff and made their way out of the room.

"Stay here, I'll be back in five minutes, I just have to take the guys outside," Brendon held up his hand to show us the 'five minute' gesture, and then he followed the Killers out.

As the door closed behind them, the three of us sat down.

"I can't believe we just met the Killers," Ruby breathed, awestruck.

"I know! How kick-ass are we?" I exclaimed with an ecstatic grin.

"I'm so framing this stuff," She sighed, gesturing to her signed t-shirt, ticket and camera with her picture of her and the Killers on.

"Brendon is my new best friend," Hannah added.

"Hey!" I gasped in offence.

"Sorry love, but he has better contacts than you- I've met All Time Low and The Killers because of him," She stated factually.

"Yeah but still... That's hurtful," I pouted.

"Deal with it," She laughed.

"Speaking of the wonderful man you adore," Ruby began randomly but I didn't disagree, "What did he pull you back for before?"

I let out a blissful sigh and I couldn't stop the goofy grin spreading, "He kissed me," Just saying it was almost idyllic.

Hannah looked over at me with one of those endearing eyes with a small 'aw' noise as she held her hand to her chest.

"What was it like?" Ruby enquired, extremely interested for some strange reason.

"Simple and delicate but completely magical," I beamed, my face in a dazed expression.

They both smiled at me as I ran a hand through my hair, briefly lingering my fingers on my lips.

Soon after, the door opened again and the man himself stepped inside.

"Okay, my work is done for the night and I'm heading out- And you guys can't really stay back here, you might even get locked in," He joked, "So, are you ready?"

We all stood up, signalling we were ready once we'd grabbed all our stuff, and followed him out of the room before he guided us off the premises.

"How'd you get here?" Brendon enquired, pulling his jacket tighter around him as we came into contact with the bitterly cold outside air.

"Ruby drove us," I replied, "You?"

"I drove, I was going to offer you a ride but you don't really need one," He shrugged, a small smile on his face.

"Nah but thanks for the offer," We had headed towards the car park by now.

"You're welcome," He locked our eyes briefly but it was broken when I, stupidly, caught my foot on a paving stone and almost fell flat on my face.

To regain my balance I grabbed hold of Brendon's arm and he caught me.

When they were sure I was alright, Hannah, Ruby and Brendon all laughed hysterically at me causing my cheeks to turn bright pink in humiliation.

"Oh so it is actually possible for you to get embarrassed?" Brendon whispered into my ear, his arm still around my waist from when he caught me. I shot him a small glare.

"I'm an idiot," I muttered, chuckling at me stupidity- If I didn't laugh at myself I'd end up getting even more embarrassed.

"Either that or my dashingly handsome good looks made you unable to resist me to the point of falling for me," His voice was soft and playful.

I shoved him flirtatiously, "Shut up- You're not that dashingly handsome," I was quite proud of him actually, he was more confident now than the timid (albeit slightly confused) guy I met in the flower shop a few months back.

"Ah, so you admit that I am somewhat dashingly handsome?" He retaliated with quirked eyebrows and a smirk.

"That all depends on how far your big-headedness is stretching your face," I retorted.

He chuckled, "Nicely done,"

"Thank you," I grinned as he came to a halt.

"Well, my car's this way," He pointed to the opposite direction of our car.

"Ours is this way," I replied.

"Come on Rubes, let's go," Hannah linked my sister and turned away, "We'll meet you in the car," She grinned at me and left Brendon and I in the middle of the car park.

"Let me walk to your car," I offered, sliding my hand into his before he guided me to the car.

"It was great to see you again, apparently I can't get away from you at work either," He leaned against his car.

"Is that a bad thing?" I raised my eyebrows.

He shook his head and rested his hands on my waist, causing me to step closer to him and rest my hands on his chest.

"It's a very, very good thing," He murmured, "Work was more fun with you here,"

I smiled, "Good, I'm glad to be here,"

"You're just saying that because I let you backstage,"

"Partially," I shrugged.

"Hey," He glared teasingly.

"I'm just kidding," My hands slid up his chest and wrapped around his neck.

"You'd better be," He took one of his hands from his waist and reached up, brushing my hair from my face.

We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, I was taking in everything about him, burning the image into my memory- I was taking it with me wherever my soul was going.

"You know that thing we did in the hallway before?" I mumbled, moving closer into his body.

His lips twitched into a smile, "Yeah,"

"Well, I'd like to try that again,"

"Do you, now?" The smirk on his face was completely adorable.

"Yeah, I do," I leaned forward and rested my forehead on his.

"What if I don't want to?"

I pulled back further and shrugged, "Alright then, fine,"

He laughed and pulled me back to him so we were just as close again.

"I'm kidding," He breathed, "I'd love to do it again,"

As his breath drifted over my face, I gazed at his lips- Those amazing things that had sent my body into a state of shock after very brief contact with my own.

"Okay, I'll let you kiss me if you agree to something," I bargained.

"Can't I just kiss you anyway?" He pouted.

"Only if you agree to something,"

He frowned, "What?"

"Just agree," I shrugged.

"But I don't know what I'm agreeing to,"

"Trust me, it'll be fun," I enticed, "It'll be spontaneous if you agree without knowing,"

He sighed in defeat, "Fine, I'll do whatever you want me to,"

I smiled triumphantly, "Good- You won't regret it, honestly,"

He shook his head, "I doubt that,"

I shuffled over to him a bit more and tightened my grip around his neck.

He pulled me as close as possible and smiled a little as he leaned in.

Of course, I met him halfway this time.

This time it was different- Not in a bad way, it was just different; better even because I wasn't taken by surprise.

His lips moved so softly on mine and he held me so carefully yet I'd never felt so secure.

Us together like this was the epitome of perfect.

I was disappointed when he pulled away so much so that I slightly followed him as he pulled back.

"As much as I'd love to stay here and do this all night, Ruby and Hannah are waiting," He murmured.

I sighed, "I know, are you working tomorrow?"

"Not until seven," He rubbed my back through my coat.

"Well I'll pick you up tomorrow at about one,"

"Where are we going?"

"I can't tell you, you'll have to wait and see what you've agreed to," I replied secretively.

He let his head fall onto my shoulder, "I hate it when you do this,"

"It's all part of the fun," I chuckled, giving him a short hug and pulling back, "I'll see you tomorrow,"

He tenderly caught my lips in his once more, "Night Amber,"

Our hands stayed clasped until I walked out of his reach towards Ruby's car.

I had a stupid smile on my face as I got in the car.

"Did he kiss you again?" Hannah asked bluntly.

Nodding idiotically, I ran a hand through my hair, "Yeah. He's coming with us tomorrow, too,"

"Does he know where we're going?"

"No, I don't think he'd have agreed if I'd have told him," I shrugged, "He'll be fine..."

Pausing briefly, I rolled my eyes up to the ceiling.

"I think..."

To Do List1. Buy flowers for mum and help them understand.
2. Have a space hopper race.
3. Swim with dolphins.
4. Hold a charity night.
5. Get drunk & sing loud and out of tune on karaoke.
6. Ride the biggest, fastest, highest rollercoaster
7. Go to the highest point in the city at night to see the lights
8. Sleep under the stars
9. Crowd Surf
10. Meet Favourite Band

Ten down, fifteen to go.


They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in the blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you
Were a million to one
I can't believe it, you're one in a million

Miley Cyrus- One In A Million
♠ ♠ ♠
Double figures! Woo =).

I hope you enjoyed it, I'm getting good at shortening these down.

Hope you had a nice weekend! Feedback is appreciated =).