Greedy or Straight?


Alex POV


“What Alex?” Ed asked

“Make me some coffee” I asked him smirking

“Fuck of, make it your self” he replied sounding pissed of

I smirked and had the idea to wind him up even more so, I wanted too see his reaction. And I just bluntly liked to wind him up.

“Awwh Ed, I thought we were BMFL” I said pouting at him trying my hardest to hold back the laughter.

Ed turned and looked at me, he looked pissed of

“Fuck of Alex, your doing this to piss me of, you always do” he said frowning

“Oh cheer up Edward, I was messing about” I said nudging him in the ribs.

He grunted then got up to go to his bedroom, I sighed , that’s all I need, my best mate in a mood with me.

I stood up and stretched, I yawned a little too, last night I didn’t get much sleep, down too Dan, it was his birthday and he was round having a piss up. I’m glad my head aches gone, it was banging like fuck before. Last night I didn’t get too bed until 4 o clock.

I walked into the kitchen to switch the kettle on. It was then I heard a scream and a bang from upstairs.

I rolled my eyes, and left my empty coffee cup on the side and abandoned my coffee making to go and investigate. I walked towards the stair well and I heard shouting, I knew it was Ali and Ed because they were the only ones in the house, because Dan and Teddy went home this morning.

I walked up the stair well huffing, I was fed up with Ali and Ed arguing, it’s been going on for weeks, I wonder what’s got into them too.

I walked along the landing upstairs, there voices were clearer now, I didn’t concentrate on listening though, and I walked into Ed and Ali’s bedroom which they share, and I gasped as I took in the horror of Ed’s bed, it was snapped in two.

“Ed What the fuck happened here?” I asked gobsmacked

“Ask ‘I like to jump on Ed’s bed to piss him of’ boy over there” Ed pointed at Ali aggressively

“I didn’t mean to break it Alex I swear” Ali said with tears welling in his eyes.

“Where the fuck is Ed going to sleep now?” I asked Ali

“not in my bed!” Ali shouted

“I will buy a new bed” Ed said grumpily

“Ed it’s Sunday, and tomorrow is bank holiday Monday shops are shut” I said bluntly

“Oh” Ed grunted

“your going to have to stay in my bed tonight with me” I said sighing

Ed sighed

“your going to pay for this Paul!” Ed said angrily

“What the bed, or did you mean it as your going to beat me?” Ali said smirking

“Both” Ed shouted

Then Ed pushed past me and stormed down the stairs, I looked at Ali who was now sniggering. I sighed and turned out of the room and walked down to finish making my coffee.

I walked down the stairwell, I walked into the kitchen, Ed was there making a cup of tea, he looked pissed of.

I walked over too him and placed my hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. He turned around and sighed once again.

“I don’t know what to do Alex” Ed sighed

“Well it’s okay, you can sleep in my bed for two nights, then on Tuesday we can buy a new bed” I replied

“I don’t mean that Lex” Ed replied

I pulled a little Oh-face with my mouth, I then caught on , he was talking about a crush. Ed told me a few weeks back that he has a crush on One of our friends, It was a complete shock to me at first.

I didn’t even know Ed swung both ways, then he come out to me that he was bi. But I suppose it’s because he can trust me. And he told me about someone he really likes; he said that he can’t tell me who just in case it gets out.

I personally think its Ali, but I’m not going to tell Ed that.

“Tell the guy Ed, I’m sure if he is one of your true friends he won’t hate you, or if you can’t tell him, make it obvious to him” I said taking my hand of his shoulder and looking into his brown glistening eyes.

Oh how his eyes are beautiful, I didn’t just think that did I? What the hell is wrong with me today, it must be the amount of toxic intake I took last night. The alcohol still probably not worn of, yes that’s it, I’m still tipsy.
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Okayyy :) Newww storyyyy