Greedy or Straight?

The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You

“Ed?” I whispered softly

Ed looked up and he squinted his eyes at me, he shook his head and opened his mouth to talk.

I walked over and sat down beside him, he looked at me but did not say anything.

“Ed? Please talk to me” I begged

“Why.. did .. do it Alex” Ed half shouted

“Ed I…” I said

I didn’t know what to tell him, would he hate me if I told the truth.

I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders
He jumped away from me.

“Don’t touch me” he shouted

“Ed, please I didn’t sleep with her” I promised

“You clearly did Alex, Alex I thought you wanted to be with me, you’ve been leading me on, and I was too dumb to see it” Ed rushed

“No Ed, I haven’t and Ed, I didn’t sleep with her honest, I did it too prove to Ali I’m not gay, she’s a hooker Ed!” I exclaimed

Ed’s jaw dropped
“So you paid for a hooker, you paid for sex Alex, I don’t quite understand” Ed said with tears in his eyes

“No Ed, I did pay for her, but she only pretended to make sex noises, so I could prove to Ali that I’m not gay, We didn’t do anything Ed, honest baby” I said reassuring

Ed looked me in the eyes, he didn’t reply

“Ed…” I hesitated

He raised his eyebrows

“I love you” I said

He started to sob some more, then he looked up and it was barely a muffle but he whispered it back

“I love you too Alex”

“That’s why, I’m leaving” Ed said still crying

“W..What, Ed you can’t” I chocked

“Alex I have too” Ed said looking away

“Ed, I will do anything for you, I love you Ed, I want you forever, please, please don’t leave me, please Ed, I will come out if it stops you leaving, I need you, We need you, the band needs you Ed, please” I begged

Tears springing down my cheeks like a waterfall

Ed shook his head, and rested his head in his hands, I stared at him, he looked at me then stood up and walked inside, I followed him, and he walked out of the front door and too his car, I pushed his bags in the car.

I fell too my knee’s calling his name and apologizing over and over. He drove away, he left me there, I just lay on the ground hugging my knee’s sobbing, it was the worst emotional pain I’ve ever had.

I love him, and he’s gone, and it’s all my fault.
♠ ♠ ♠
It upset me writing this!
But i hope you like it, and i hope you didn't cry too much ;)
Comment ? :)