Greedy or Straight?

Come back please!

Teddy sat me down on the sofa, he got the first aid out and sorted out the slash in my arm, I went into my own little world, not listening too what he was saying, when I started too listen again he got his mobile out.

“Ed come back please!” he shouted down the phone

Teddy gave me a glance, I stared at him

“Ed you don’t understand, he tried to hurt himself” Teddy shouted turning away from me.

Teddy shut his phone and sighed, I knew Ed was never coming back, but it was worth a try to ask teddy!

“Teds, is he coming?” I asked softly

Teddy shook his head then walked into the kitchen, I lay on the sofa and cuddled my knees up to my chest, and went deep into my thoughts, and I was oblivious about what was going on around me.

How can I live now, without my best friend, the one I love the most.

I stood up, I walked upstairs, and I got a few pieces of paper, and wrote some notes, I left them in my bedroom on my bed, I walked into the garage and grabbed a rope, I walked to Ali’s jeep.

Ali walked down the drive just after I threw the rope into the car.

“Hey Alex, where you of to” he asked me

“Just going for a drive, see you soon” I told him

He smiled and walked into the house, I knew he will get my note soon, so I have to get a move on.

I drove too the place just out side York, I hit some roadwork’s, I impatiently taped my fingers against the steering wheel, I waited and waited, when I finally got through, I parked Ali’s jeep in the little pub car park just before the bridge.

I got out of the jeep and pulled a pump bag of the floor and stuffed the rope in it, I locked the jeep and placed the keys in the pump bag.

I walked slowly over the bridge, taking in the natural beauty of the country side. I sighed and carried on walking until I got to the other side.
♠ ♠ ♠
:| Sucks!!

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