Greedy or Straight?

Emotional Pain

I walked down the slanted hill, I got to a tree, I sat under it thinking for a moment, then I picked up my pump bag from the ground and slowly pulled out the rope, I glanced around too see if there was anyone watching, there wasn’t so I continued.

I threw the rope around my neck and attempted to climb up the tree, when I got far enough up I sat on a thick branch for a moment, I slowly tied the rope too the tree, using my skills I got taught in cadets, as a young boy. I tightened it and made a loop with the opposite end.

I sat for another moment, thinking through my head, thinking of all the good times I’ve had, but now, the emotional pain has over powered me. I couldn’t think of life without Ed, if he wasn’t there, there was no point for my existence. I love him more than I thought. I love him, I want him, I need him, he is my life. Now he is gone, my life has too end.

I placed the loop around my neck, I slowly pushed the knot up to the brim of my neck, in a few seconds this will be over, life will be over, no hurt no pain. Alex Davies will be dead.

I dangled my legs over the high branch, ready too jump, but I gave myself a few seconds to have some more thought, but I didn’t change my mind. I still wanted death to be my solution.

“Alex don’t” I Ed’s voice in my head

“Why not, if I can’t have you, I don’t want to live” I replied

“Alex look down”

I looked down too see Ed below me tears rolling down his face, I began to cry again, I thought I was all out of tears, looks like I wasn’t

“Ed please leave me now, I don’t want you too see this” I replied crying

“Alex it doesn’t have to be this way” he shouted up

I shook my head

“Ed please, I can’t do this with you here, you don’t understand Ed, if I can’t be with you, I don’t want to live” I told him straight

“Alex it’s been a long day, now please just get down from the tree and come and talk about this” Ed said to me still crying

“Ed you wont stay, I love you Ed, I’m sorry, I have to go, please don’t hate me” I said ready to jump

Ed pulled out a silver dagger

“Alex, if you jump I will stab myself through the heart” Ed shouted angrily

“Ed please no!” I shouted

“Get down then” he shouted

I stood up and shimmered over to the tree trunk, I put my arm out to grab it. It was too late, my foot slipped I couldn’t stop myself from falling I lost balance; I screamed his name as I fell.

Then it all went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
i was nearly in tears writing this....
Sounds sad i know!
But i would never want too see that hapening
but when i wrote it i seen it in my head!

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