Greedy or Straight?

You know where i am

“Ed you coming to bed?” I asked him after a few hours of whispering too each other

I waited a moment for Ed’s reaction, When I didn’t get it I lifted my head up too look at him, He was biting his lip slightly

My heart beat started to race with worry, I started to jump to conclusions in my mind, he couldn’t leave me, what if he has someone else, and he couldn’t could he.

“Ed?” I asked again worried

“Alex I...” he stopped

Tears started to well in my eyes.

“Are you leaving me?” I asked as tears started to escape my eyes

“No no no, that’s not what you thought was it?” he asked a rhetorical question.

He leaned forward and pecked my head slightly

“It’s just I have something too tell you” he said

I stared at him waiting…

“Alex, when I was in oxford, I met someone”

my heart sank again, I held my breath waiting for what was coming next.

“Are you leaving me for her or him or what ever?” I asked

My vision got blurry tears started to rapidly escape my eyes

He nodded

“Ed I thought you said your not leaving me?” I asked sobbing

“Alex, I’m not I will still be in the band, I wont be permantly gone I will come and visit”

“Ed, leave!” I shouted

“but Alex…” Ed started

“Just fucking leave now before I kill you” I shouted louder

Teddy and Dan and Ali where all standing in the arch from the kitchen.

I pushed Ed of the sofa and he fell on the floor, he scrambled to his feet and stared at me.

I stood up and pointed towards the door


“I’m sorry Alex” Ed whispered and he turned and walked slowly towards the door

“And Ed…” I shouted “I do fucking love you, more than that whore ever will, so when you realise that I’m better for you, you know where I fucking am”

Ed nodded and bowed his head and walked out of the house, I ran to the window, I placed my hand on the window and watched his car pull away.

The other’s stared at me speechless, I ran past them and up to my room, I jumped on my bed and curled up into a ball, and sobbed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had a lump in my throat writing this!
It upsets me !

Comment ? :) x