Greedy or Straight?

Made Up

“Awhh, I’m glad you two have made up, Maybe Alex can actually be happy again for once, I was getting sick of him moping about and crying” Ali said smiling slightly

“Ali get out now” I hissed

Ali put his hands up in defence

“Okay, I’m going, I’m going to my girlfriends anyway, see you later guys” he waved and walked out of my room

I smiled down at Ed, who has his head on my chest. He smiled back up at me.

I shifted my body slightly, he lifted his head up and stared into my eyes.
“So do I get too know who this women is?” I asked him trying not to frown

He looked away, I waited for him too look back into my eyes, when he did there was guilt written all over his face.

“Alex, It was a girl called Ruby, I told my parents I was bi” he said looking into my eyes

I was truly shocked, he’s only known for about a year and he’s already told them.

“And what did they say” I asked him shocked

“My dad told me I wasn’t, and then they introduced me too Ruby, my dad told me that she’s perfect for me, and they gave me two options, leave for Ruby and still have a family, or stay with you and have no parents”

A shocked tear rolled down my cheek, I couldn’t believe they said that too him.

He lifted his hand slowly and wiped away the tear from my cheek, I reached out and gripped his hand, I twined my fingers in his, he smiled slightly and opened his mouth to talk.

“So I went to her, she told me she loved me, I wasn’t happy with her, but I didn’t want to loose my family, She got angry with me, I screamed your name during sex”

I cringed at the thought of Ed with someone else, but smiled at him screaming my name.

“So she got angry, and it was then I told her, I told her I didn’t or couldn’t ever love her, and I told her it was you I love, and always will, she said she would cover for me as long as she could, she loves me, I felt bad, I didn’t love her back” – “She said she loves me so she will help me to be happy, it was then I realised, I could only be happy with you, I wanted you, and I can’t live without you, Fuck my family, you are my family, you’re my heart and soul I love you”

I was speechless, I couldn’t reply I just smiled; I leaned forward and placed my lips on his. He sat up and straddled me, kissing my lips roughly.
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Shall we finaly have some boysecks ?
I make you wait MWAHAHAHAH I'm Evil :)
But here it is,
i wont update until i get at least 3 more comments :D
So if you want boysecks, GET COMMENTING! XD
Love you :)