Greedy or Straight?

Your hair ?

I picked my warm cup up from the table sipping it carefully trying my hardest not to spill the tiniest amount.

Teddy walked through the door, I looked up and the shock, I dropped my coffee, the scorching liquid, burned my chest rapidly, the pain was shock full, I jumped up from the sofa screaming with pain, once again I took another look, Teddy had a look of shock spread across his pale face.

“Teddy what the fuck!” I shouted

Teddy’s hair was a mess, it was half shaved, and I mean half shaven, one half was short prickles of hair, the other fluffy as a Persian.

I was shocked, and angry. Angry because it could wreck our image.

“Yeah about that Alex, the fans already know, a picture went out on MySpace this morning”

“Who?, Where WHY?”

I shouted the last part

“Dan and Ali” he said frowning

“What?” I shouted loudly

A draft hit me on the wetness of my t-shirt, as Ed walked through the patio door.

He took one look at Teddy and burst into fits of laughter, Teddy frowned even more.

“Why can’t no one take this fucking seriously” I shouted

“What do you mean” Ed chuckled

“Well what do you think his hair will do to our public image, on Kerrang and shit” I shouted aggressively

“Take a chill pill” Ed said still chuckling

“I want to see Ali and Dan” I said sternly

“What, Ali and Dan did this” Ed said still laughing

“Yeah, Ali came to ours last night upset, his girlfriend finished with him so we got drunk, and they ended up doing ‘this’ to me” Teddy said pointing at his hideous hair.

I sighed and placed my empty coffee cup on the table and pulled my wet top of to reveal my chest.

I threw my t-shirt on the sofa, I looked directly at Ed and he was staring smiling slightly.

“Perv” I muttered then walking out of the room too my bedroom, I pulled a top out of my draw and slipped it on.

I walked back downstairs… too find Ed kissing Teddy

Not really but that would have been hot, Oh my god I can’t believe I just thought that. But yeah it would have been.

“Anyone want too come too town with me I need some stuff” Teddy said

“Urgh! I hate shopping” I replied

“I will” Ed said eagerly

I raised my eyebrows at him, actually not so much him, at his eagerness

He blushed slightly and replied quickly

“I need too get some ‘stuff’ ” Ed said winking at me

I caught on what he meant by ‘stuff’, lube

I grunted and lay down on the sofa hoping to catch some Z’s to waste time for Ed’s return. I missed him already, and he was only halfway down the drive.
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=) It made me laugh that much in real life i wanted too add it LOL
