Greedy or Straight?

Hey Teds

I sipped my coffee slowly, it was steaming hot, I was too distracted in my thoughts to stop the kettle from boiling.

Ed walked in smirking, with his mobile in his hand, he smirked at me.

“What’s made you so happy” I asked, putting my coffee back on the kitchen table.

“Ed’s coming over, and he said Dandy is out for the day with his other brother Ollie, and Ali’s gone over to his girlfriends too collect some stuff or summit, so where alone with mr.Teds” Ed said smiling is perfect white toothy smile.

I smiled and sipped my coffee again, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I was so nervous to be honest, but I wanted this so much, and I was extremely horny, I haven’t had an orgasm in two days!

I slowly finished my coffee; I placed the cup in the sink, Ed watching me the whole time, checking me out.

There was a knock on the door, and Ed looked up to meet my gaze, excitement in his eyes. He smirked and gestured me towards the front door.

I opened the front door and Teddy was standing there, looking half asleep as normal, he looked so cute, he was wearing a tight white t-shirt, which shows of his muscular frame lovely.

He had some combat three quarter pants on, and his black ‘VANS’
Half of his brown hair was fluffy, the other half bald, it looked quite stupid, but cute.

“What?” he asked me

I must have been staring

“Hey Teds’ ” Ed said seductively wriggling his eyebrows at him

I smirked and looked towards the floor, Teddy pushed past us and into the house.

Ed shut the door, and I heard the lock click, I quickly jolted round too look at him, he smirked at me and followed me into the living room where Teddy was.

Teddy was sat on the sofa in the living room, I walked over too him and sat beside him, I tried to get as close as I could too him, he didn’t really notice how close I was too him.

I slipped my hand on his leg, and slowly made it’s way to his thigh, I looked at him with seductive eyes, his eyes where wide.

He gulped, as I felt he began to grow, Ed was sitting in front of him on the floor.

“Hello little Teddy” Ed whispered seductively getting on to his knees.

Teddy gulped again, he let a small moan slip out of his mouth and his breathing started to get heavy.

I moved my hand along his hardened fabric covered member, and he began to pant more.

“Teddy, how about a threesome” I whispered

He flung his head back with a moan, and groaned

“Ahh Hell yes”
♠ ♠ ♠
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