Greedy or Straight?

Boxer clad Teddy

“Oh shit”

Ed’s voice stirred me from my sleep, I groaned and sat up, then it all came flowing back. I remembered what I heard last night, what I witnessed.

I starred at Ed, I didn’t know what to say to him, I just stared.

“What did I do last night?” Ed asked worried.

I glanced at him, tears filling my eyes.

“no please say I didn’t…. Teddy, no please” Ed shouted tears began to fill his eyes.

“How much did you drink Ed?” I whispered

I couldn’t talk any more than a dull whisper, I would’ve burst into tears because the lump in my throat was lounging around near my mouth.

“About… 2 crates of beer between us I think…” He said letting a tear roll down his cheek.

“Alex, my ass hurts, I slept with… with… Teddy” He sobbed staring at me.

I nodded letting the tears freely roam down my face.

“Alex, you don’t know how sorry I am, I was just so upset that you were gone… when I woke… Teddy came round and… we had some beers… Alex I’m so sorry” He confessed falling onto his knees crying so hard it broke my heart to see him like this.

I stood up, and walked towards him, I couldn’t see him like this, and I was a very forgiving person. I knew he didn’t mean for it to happen, I can tell he is sorry, so I forgive him, but it still hurts me.

I slowly walked over to him, he didn’t notice, he was facing the ground on his knees sobbing.

I kneeled beside him, He faced me, and I placed my arms around his small frame.

“Shhh, its okay” I cooed.

“I love you so much Alex” Ed whispered pecking my cheek.

Just as a boxer clad Teddy walked down the stairs.
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Sorry it's been ages, I've been writing other storys, they're really good,
check them out if you haven't already..
I have one with laura..
who is also known as 'Alistair Paul'
And i have one with Jayde which also
has a sequel.. Jayde is known as
'Pfft' .. yeah so go read :P