Greedy or Straight?



I smiled at Ed who was standing in my door, the smile I gave him, was purely out of guilt.

“I brought you some sushi, you must be starving?” He said to me pulling the sushi from behind his back

He walked over too me and placed it on the bed next to me, he sat next to it.

“Thanks” I replied blushing

Ed gave me a small smile, then went to stand up, I slipped my arm on his, he looked up to meet my gaze.

“About before Alex..”

“Ed don’t worry about it, did you get my text?” I asked him

Ed nodded and gulped

“Well I was thinking, maybe we can give it ago” I said blushing looking away

“What?” Ed chocked out

I leaned over and kissed his lips softly, he pulled away, my eyes widened I suddenly felt hurt.

“Alex you do realise what your doing?, have you been drinking” Ed asked me looking deep into my eyes

I shook my head

“No Ed, I haven’t, and yes I do know what I’m saying, I’m saying I want to give this relationship a go, I hadn’t realised before Ed, about how happy you actually make me” I stated

Ed stared at me in shock; I leaned in again kissing his lips softly. He kissed back, he slipped his hands round my waste, I slipped my hands into his hair ruffling around.

When we finally pulled away, I smiled at him.

“I Love you Alex” Ed said looking into my eyes

I watched his lips as I did so, my eyes started to tear up, I couldn’t lie to Ed and tell him I love him like that when I don’t, not yet anyway.

“I understand Alex, I really do, I will wait for you to say it, and I understand if you never say it, it’s hard to make yourself fall for someone..”

I cut him of with attaching my lips to his again, when I pulled away I replied to his babbling

“Ed, it’s not that I’m trying to fall for you, I am falling for you, I realised that a while back, I was kidding my self , I didn’t want to think my self as bi, but Ed I just don’t love you yet, but Ed I like you, I like you a lot” I told him

He gave me a small smile, then I picked the sushi up from next too me and started to eat it slowly, Ed walked out of the room and went back down stairs.
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