Alter Ego


You know how people wish that they could live two totally different lives?

Well for me, I get to do that every single day. Most People would love to do that but it does get tiring after a while.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Audrey Maguire, never heard of me? Yeah I didn't think so.

Most people know me as Chelste (pronounced Chelsea) Maguire.yeah the big name pop star, I figured that would ring a bell.

But now that you know my biggest secret, you are now and forever sworn to secrecy. And I mean you can not i repeat CAN NOT tell a soul. My closest friends don't even know.

When i say closest friends I mean Chelste's friends don't know about Audrey and Audrey's friends don't about Chelste

Don't get me wrong I love being able to live my dream and being a role model to millions of people. But when you are constantly breaking plans with one of your freinds. It gets kind of complicated trying to explain why you can't hang out!

But after a while I got used to it and before i made and plans I have to double and triple check so i don't double book anything.

Life was going really smooth at the moment until we got new neighbors. yeah i know it doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but when your new neighbors are the equally famous trio of boys known as The Jonas Brothers.

Thing are bound to get a little rocky.