Alter Ego

Chapter 10

I loved hanging out with Nick, but if he said one more thing about how pretty and how funny Chelste was I was going to flip! Why can't he think that I was pretty and funny. It just made me so frustrated.

"She is just so cool. God Audrey you would love her!" He said as we sat on his bed listening to music.

"Nick do you think we can talk about something else for a little while" I said irritatedly and I know he saw it.

"Oh yeah sorry." He said " I can't wait for you to see us live.You will love it. We have a show coming up, you know that right?"

"No I didn't. When is it?" I asked happy that he wants me to come.

"Um i think it's in two weeks. Ooo i'm going to ask Chelste to come. I still want you to meet her. You will love her!" He exclaimed excitedly.

I groaned and got off the bed."You know Nick I didn't agree to hang out with you so I could listen to you talk about Chelste." I said walking to his door.

"Audrey i'm sorry. I know you didn't. It was just supposed to me and you. Nothing to do with..." I cut him off before he could say her name, well my name.

"You know what Nick save it. If you want to hang out again any time soon, call me. But if you are just going to sit there and talk about Chelste like she's gods gift to earth, Don't bother!" I said walking out of his room and down the stairs. I opened the front door and pulled it shut behind me. Just hard enough to get my point across.

I was sitting on my bed trying to find a dress to wear for tonight. Yes I was still going on the date. Yeah I mean Audrey was mad at Nick, But Chelste wasn't. I had to go to make it look as if they were not the same person.

When I finally settled on a dress I put it on and looked in the mirror it fit perfectly!


I finished me hair and put on a little bit of blush, some eyeliner, and some cherry chapstick.

I was meeting Nick at the resturant. Although he insisted that he and Kevin pick me up. I couldn't exactly say oh yeah I live next door come on over!

I put on some classic black peep toe high heels to match my dress and I was ready to go.

My mom dropped me off at the resturant and I walked inside. I stopped at the desk and was asked for a name. Nick had told me it was under an alliace so it wouldn't get leaked that we were here.

"Adams" I said. Nick thought it was sneaky using Joe's middle name and adding and 's' on the end of it.

"Follow me." He said snootily. I mad a face and followed him to a table where a very nicely dressed Nick was seated. In his hands was a single white and pink lilie. He had either looked it up that that was my favorite flower, or it was one lucky guess.

He looked up as the waiter placed menus down on the table. His eyes landed on me and he sat there in awe.

"Wow you look amazing Chelste!" He said stading up

"Well you don't look half bad yourself Jonas."I tried being flirt."Is that for me?" I gestured to the flower.

"What? Oh the flower. Yeah it is." He said, handing it to me. I took it and broke the stem some and pinned it in my hair.

"Shall we sit and eat?" He asked pulling out my chair

"Yes we shall." I said sitting down. He knew how to be the perfect gentleman when it came to stuff like that.

"I am really glad you decided to come with me tonight." He said smiling.

"You know what? I am really glad I did too." I said as we settled down to look at the menu and started our dinner date.

As mad as Audrey was with him I couldn't help but forgive him. He was just one of those people you can't stay mad at!