Alter Ego

Chapter 12

"What did you just say?" I said pulling away.

"Um.. it was nothing." He said trying to make it seem like he didn't say that.

"You seriousely did not just say that. You come here after I told you off about talking about Chelste 24/7. Then you kiss me and then compare me to her. Nick seriously is there something wrong with you." I couldn't hide the hurt in my voice I thought he was actually starting to like me. But I guess I was wrong.

"Audrey I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out." He said his eyes pleading me to forgive him, but after that how could I?

"You didn't mean for it to come out. So you were just thinking it. That is just as bad Nick. You know what I am done with this. Just leave!" I said as tears filled my eyes.

"Audrey you have to believe me I didn't mean it. please don't cry."he said placing his hand on my cheek.

I shoved him away from me. Tears almost falling down my cheeks " I'm not going to cry cause as of right now you're not worth my tears. Nick please get out." I said as calmly as I could.

"Not until you let me explain." He was begging now. And let me tell you it was hard to say no too.

"JUST GET OUT!!" I said, letting my anger get the best of me.

His head drooped downward, to ashamed to look at me. He nodded silently and walked to my door. Looked back at me, he muttered quietly "I'm really sorry Audrey."

As soon as I heard my front door close I fell to my knees at the foot of my bed. The tears fell silently at first until a small sob shook through my body. Yeah I know I said he wasn't worth my tears. But he really was.

I hadn't realized how much I liked him until those words fell from his lips. It hurt way to much for him to be in love with my other half. I knew I had to do something but I didn't know what. I sat there for hours trying to think of how I could get him to like Audrey and forget about Chelste.

I woke up to my door opening and my mom walking in. She spotted me on the floor and noticed the dried tear stains down my cheeks. She knew she had missed something. She knew I liked Nick, she also knew that he like Chelste.

"Honey what happened?" she said as she rushed to my side.

"Nick came over after the date last night wanting to apoligize for our fight before. And I started to tell him he didn't need to and then he kissed me. twice.When we pulled away he was like 'you kiss like Chelste'."I said fighting back tears for a second time.

"Aww sweetie i'm sorry." She said running her hand through my hair.

"Its ok I just really thought that he was starting to like me. I just don't know what im going to do now." I said sitting up all the way.

"You could go talk to him about all of this you know." She was always there for me and I knew I had to talk this through with Nick.

"Your right mom and I am going to talk it through with him. But I need to take a shower first. Thank you for the help." I smiled and kissed her on the cheek before I stood up off the floor where I had falled asleep.

I grabbed my clothes and headed to my bathroom hopeing that a nice long shower would help me figure out what I was going to say to Nick.