Alter Ego

Chapter 14

~Nick's POV~

I looked at her as she pulled away from the kiss all I wanted to do was kiss her more but I couldn't get the fact that I had kissed Chelste the night before and then made Audrey feel like crap because I compared her to Chelste when I kissed her after my date. I had been up thinking about the whole situation all night.

One thing I knew for sure is that I didn't know who I liked more, and I know kissing Audrey was not going to help it much more but I couldn't help it. It was soo intoxicating. I placed my lips to hers in a soft and passionate kiss that seemed to last for hours. She was the first to pull away.

"Listen Nick we really need to talk." she said looking me in the eyes

"Yeah I know we do but I am so confused right now." I said and I knew she could tell I was

"Nick its ok I know you like both of us I was just going to say that I know you need time and I am going to be there for you wether you choose me or Chelste. You are my best friend either way." She said placing her small hand on my cheek

"Yeah I want you to know I apperciate you being so understanding. I really do." I said as I placed my hand on hers that was still on my cheek.

"I know you do. I will leave you alone for a little while to think everything over." She gave me a small peck on the lips and excited my room.

I knew that Audrey would be there for me no matter what my choice was. I was just hoping that if I choose Audrey, Chelste would be that understanding. This whole situation was making my head hurt, it was just so confusing.

I got up after about an hour of sitting there. I needed help from one person and one person only, my big brother Mister Paul Kevin Jonas II. He was the only one that I could think of that could help me make any progress, no matter how slight that might be.

I lightly knocked on his slightly open door. I heard a soft come in so I pushed the door the rest of the way open

"Hey Kev can I talk to you for a minute? I need some help." I said still standing in his doorway

"Yeah come on in. What can I help you with?" He asked as I sat at the foot of his bed

"Um I need help figuring out what to do about this Audrey/ Chelste issue. I don't know what to do or who to choose." I said getting frustrated just thinking about it

"Ok well who will be there no matter what you do or who you choose?" He asked seming to already know the answer

"Audrey" I said

"Who makes you laugh and who can you talk to about anyhting and everything?" Again it seemed he already knew the answer

"Audrey" I replied again

"Who do you think will be there when you need them the most?" Again he already knew the answer.

"Audrey." I said once more

"Well it looks like alot of things are pointing to Audrey." He said as he went back to stumming his guitar like he had been before I came in.

"Thanks Kev." I said leaving his room to go back to mine

I walked back to my room still thinking about this situation. It had my head spinning. There was one thing that stood out in my mind and that was Audrey. Everything seemed to be pointing to her. But then why was it that I felt a pull toward Chelste too. I knew one thing was for sure I needed to talk to them BOTH!