Alter Ego

Chapter 16

Nick and I were stitting on a bench at the park waiting for my other half to show up. And when I say 'I' I mean Chelste was sitting on a park bench waiting for Audrey to show up. But I mean until I either told Nick the truth or decided to go to the 'bathroom' she wasn't going to show.

"Where is she? she said she would be here 20 minutes ago." He said irritatedly.

"Maybe she is just having a confilct with showing up." I said not entirely lying since she was having a conflict. It was just within herself.

" I think I am going to call her." He pulled out his phone to call me as he said that.

"Nick don't." I said quickly know that if he did call Audrey's cell would go off in my pocket and that was definetly not how I wanted him to find out. I guess it was now or never. " I have a confession to make."

"What is it." He said getting concered "Chelste you know you can tell me anything. You do know that right?"

"Yeah I know that. I am just scared you will hate me after I tell you what it is. It's really big and really important." I said hoping he wasn't going to hate me and make me regret telling him the truth.

"Chelste you are starting to scare me. You're not dying are you?" He asked. I couldn't tell if he was serious or if he was trying to lighten the mood.

I looked up to his and I could tell he was being entirely serious.

"Oh Nick no. It has nothing to do with my health. Well my physical help." I said laughing to myself, but cut it short when I saw the look on his face.

"Ok Nick you have to promise me you won't get mad at me for this. And I mean like swear on our friendship you won't."
"I swear. I swear on our friendship that I won't get me." He said being dead serious

"Ok i think you might want to brace youself this is going to be a shock.

"I said getting ready to let go of my biggest secret.

"Nick, Me and Audrey have been hiding something from you." He gave me a confued look.

I knew what he was thinking how would I know Audrey was hiding something from him. As far as he knew we had never meet.

"Me and Audrey we are the same person. I'm Audrey and Chelste."