Alter Ego

Chapter 2

I walked back to my house and opened the door just as my mother was going out. We ran into each other and started laughing

"Wheres the fire Mom?" i asked her after i stopped laughing

"Oh...well I was going to see if the new neighbors wanted to come over here and have dinner with us since theyare new here, don't know anyone, and aren't really settled in yet." my mom replied as she slipped a pair of flip-flops on.

"Thats a great idea!"i exclaimed and started to mutter under my breath about how Nick Probably thinks I am a freak who goes around sticking my head in people's bushes

"What was that dear?" My mom asked as she stepped outside onto the porch

"Nothing, it was nothing." I said as she started to walk down the driveway and to the house next door.

I walked up to my room thinking about how stupid it sounded when i told nick the i was looking for my lost rabbit. But the rally funny thing is that my rabbit, marshmellow, was out back in her cage.

I was looking through my closet for something to change into when my phone started ringing

Do you know what its like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star

and with that ring tone it could only be one person, my Agent. Just as i thought i glanced at the caller I.D. before i answered. It was flashing 'AMY'

"Hello?" i asked

"Chelste darling" she answered from the other end. Yeah its kinda sad my own agent doesn't even call me by my real name, she sadi it had to do with keeping my secret but i thought that it was bogus!

"Hey, Amy whats up?" I asked a little annoyed

"Oh i was just calling to remind you you have that TEEN STAR SIGNING to do tomorrow." she said nonchalontly

"What! When did this come up? i asked not know what she was talking about.

"Um abut two weeks ago..must have slipped my mind. Well got to go. todaloo love." And with that the line whent dead.

i was really peeved with Amy after i got off the phone with her. she was always doing that leaving it to last minute to tell me I was doing a hidden concert or a signing of some sort. She was the reason why i had to break plans so often.

When i finally cool off i headed down stairs only to be met by four boys sitting on the couch watching wheel of fortune with my father.

"Um...Hello." I said and as soon as those words left my mouth all eyes were on me.

"Oh Audrey there you are" My father said ushering me over "I wanted you to meet the new neighbor boys

This is Kevin, Joe, Nick, And Frankie." he said as he pointed to each one

"Yeah i know who they are. Me and every other teenage girl in the world" I laughed as my dad gave me a confused look. "Dad meet the Jonas Brothers...and Frankie!"

He looked at me for a second and the turn to face the boys as if it just dawned on him.

"Oh so you are the infamous Jonas trio?" My dad said

"Yes sir" Kevin said

"Well its nice to meet you. I will leave you kids alone so you can get to know each other." And with that he left to find the other adults

"Umm.. Audrey I was wondering...uh..would" Nick started to say but seemed a little hesitant

"Yeah...come on nick spit it out!" I said impatiently

"Would you show me around tomorrow?" he asked finally the quickly added "If your not busy i mean."

"Sure i would lo.." I stopped mid sentence when Amy's words came back to me 'TEEN STAR SIGNING..Tomorrow' I quickly regained myself."I'm sorry. I can't. I have to umm....clean my room. I said quickly then mentally smacking myself at how lame that sounded. I was really suprised they didn't see it for the lie it was.

"Oh well nevermind then" He said avoiding eye contact. We settled into a very awkward silence after that only to be broken when my mom walked through the doorway from the kitchen announcing that dinner as ready.