Alter Ego

Chapter 3

Stepping out of my house, I held my necessary materials to be Chelste in my bag. I mean sure, the minute I walk out of my house as Chelste, I would be seen. Not taking my chances. So I change when I get to where I'm going. I threw my bag into the passenger side of the car waiting for me. (No it's not a limo. It was an actual car. Don't you think it would look suspicious pulling out of my drive way in a limo? That's what I thought.)

Sliding into the backseat, I layed my head back. I can't believe I turned down showing Nick around. Cute boy, Chelste thing. Cute boy, Chelste thing. Weighing it out, I should have stuck with Nick.

I looked into the Jonas yard as I pulled out. I noticed Nick and his brothers stretching as they made their way to their white Hybrid SUV. Nick looked up as my car passed. He looked inside and waved when he saw me. I smiled and waved back. I wonder where he was headed this time in the morning.

15 minutes later I pulled into the parking lot of The teen signing. Millions of fans stood outside waiting to greet all of us teen stars.(Hense the name 'Teen Star Signing.) The car pulled me around back to a side door where I could slip in, change, and meet up with my fellow stars.

I slipped inside as Audrey.

And emerged as Chelste.

I made sure, when I cracked the door, that no one was there to see me. I opened the door and slipped out with my bag in my hands. I heard a familiar voice but couldn't quite tell from the distance. I walked around the corner and my jaw fell open. Right in front of my face Nick Jonas stood. He was chatting with a fellow Disney Star 20 feet away from me. His eyes looked up and locked on mine. He sent me the most georgeous smile in the world. I almost died when he turned and headed my direction.

"Hi. You must be Chelste Maguire?"

A blank look came over my features as I comprehended what he said. Then I remembered.
I'm not Audrey right now, I'm Chelste.

"Oh yeah. Yep. That's me. Chelste."

He smircked at me, obviousely flattered about my tongue tied moment around him.

"So are you here for the signing?"

What?!! How stupid to ask Chelste. Ya dang retard. Why else would he be at The Teen Star Signing. He's a teen and he's a star. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I smacked my forehead. Nick laughed as a grin played over his cute face. I wasn't tongue tied around him when I was Audrey. Oh wait! Let's replay a moment, shall we?

Trying to react, I had nothing.

"Um... Yeah. Actually my pet rabbit got loose and I was just... you know."

The boy stared at me funny. "Well I hope you find your rabbit."

I think that's classified as tonuge tied. He laughed again at my obvious state of retardness.
I could feel my cheeks burning.

"Yeah, I am. Speaking of the signing, I think we should head that way. looks like the fans are getting eager to get in."

I looked over to the door where the fans were pushing eachother against it, some's face planted on it.

"Yeah. Maybe."

Nick smircked one more time and we headed for the teen signing.

Later that day, after the signing

I sat back in the lawn chair in my front yard. It was so relaxing to be Audrey again for the rest of the day. I heard a car and glanced up, opening my eyes. The familiar white Hybrid pulled into the empty parking space of the Jonas househould. I smircked as Nick stepped out of the vehicle. He was still wearing the clothes from the signing, which led me to now that he hadn't been home since the signing ended. He looked up and noticed me sitting on my front porch. He waved something to his mom and headed my direction. I looked back down.

I heard his shoes hit my porch. Looking up, I blocked the sun from my eyes. He was smiling the same smile that got Chelste tongue tied.

He smiled at me.


"So... What did you do all day?"
Nick asked me.

"Oh I went to the beach with a friend."

I hated lying to him. He was so cute.

"Oh. So I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere and talk?"

I looked into his eyes.
"Heck yeah!" (Ok no I didn't really say that.)
