Alter Ego

Chapter 4

It was a nice warm day as we sat in my back yard under a big oak tree. it was the perfect tempeture so you weren't to hot sitting in the shade.

"So how long have you lived in California?" Nick ask as we sat facing each other. I don't know how long we had been stting here just asking simple questions about each other's life. But I would say it had been a few hours.

" I have lived here since I was 6. I moved here from Michigan after my dad got a promotion at his work." I answered simply finally happy that I didn't really have to lie "So what did you guys do this morning?" I asked even though I already knew the answer

"We had this really cool teen star signing. a wole buch of disney stars and some big time musicians were there. We were kinda a last minute addition since they didn't know that we had moved here" he chuckled lightly as he thought back on the signing. He got a goofy grin on his face.

"What's with the goofy grin?" I asked fearing the worst

"Huh?... oh well there was a girl there and she was really down to earth and cute and funny." He said with that goofy grin on his flawless face." You probably know of her. Her name is Chelste Maguire."

My face fell when those words fell off his lips. I knew in the back of my mind that, that is what he was going to say but I was hoping against all odds that it wasn't going to happen. I regained myself and put a smile on "Yeah I know who she is. She is really good."

"Yeah I think I am really starting to like her. I mean I know I just met her today and all but she just seems so cool!" He said trying to explian his feelings .

He really didn't need to try and explain cause I knew exactly what he was talking about. As soon as he started talking about liking Chelste I relized that I was starting to like him and it sucked major.

I mean come on he liked my alter ego while I liked him. How could that ever work out without him thinking I was a liar and a fruad?!

Time Lapse~ later that night

Mixed signs, Trying to read between the lines.
A heart on the line, and it happens to be mine.
And there's something that pulls me through.
It's the thought of being with.

When your voice came on the radio, it made me sing a song that nobody knows.
With a different tune that only you knew.
How am I suppose to breathe, without you here with me.
I want this to last forever, you will see that i'm better.

Eyes are blind to what lies inside.
How do you know it's true, that I was meant to be with you?
Now I'm here writing it out. Because the world can be so loud.
Time to drown it out.

When your voice came on the radio, it made me sing a song that nobody knows.
With a different tune that only you knew.
How am I suppose to breathe, without you here with me.
I want this to last forever, you will see that i'm better.

I stopped strumming my acoustic guitar and started to write down more lyrics in my notebook, how cliche right?
I picked up my guitar and started to sing again

Have some faith in what's meant to be. You can't second guess everytime.
Hearts will break, but that's how it's meant to be in this world.

When your voice came on the radio, it made me sing a song that nobody knows.
With a different tune that only you knew.
How am I suppose to breathe, without you here with me.
I want this to last forever, you will see that i'm better.

when I was done I wrote 'VOICE ON THE RADIO' at the top of the page and closed me notbook setting it on my night stand. I set my guitar back on its stand and got up to get ready for bed.

When I was done I laid in bed thinking about how the stituation with Nick was going to get more complicated now that he liked Chelste.