Alter Ego

Chapter 7

Around 09:30pm Mr. and Mrs. Jonas told us it was time to pack up and leave for the night. I lifted the cooler and Nick walked over. He politely took the cooler from my grasp and totted it to the Hybrid. Nick held my hand as I stepped inside the vehicle. I was to short for my own good.
Nick stepped in after me and sat down on the seat beside me. Joe hopped in the front along with Kevin and Frankie. I was beat. It had been a long day.

My eyes slid closed as we made our way to our houses. I zonked out, completely unaware of my head sliding down onto Nick's shoulder. I slept the whole 20 minute drive back. When I awoke, I was being tapped on the shoulder by Nick. I opened my eyes and glanced into Nick's. He smircked at me.

"Are you able to walk?"

I nodded my head and went to sit. But obviousely my eyes were more awake than my mind. So I wasn't able to comprehend what I was saying or doing. Nick noticed and laughed. He lifted me up and pulled me out of the vehicle. i heard him murmer something to Joe and then we were headed to my house.

I heard his shoes hit my porch and saw the light flash on. I could hear my dad talking and Nick replying. Then we were on our way upstairs to my room. I saw my light flicker on and then felt the nice soft comforter of my bed under my body. I was to asleep to tell, but I could have sworn I felt lips leave a mark on my face. The only thing I saw after that, was the back of my eyelids.

The next morning
I awoke to the sound of rustling in my room. Opening my eyes, I yawned. An unfamiliar face, at first, sat next to me on my bed. After my eyes adjusted, I noticed it was Nick.

"Dang you're a hard sleeper."

I sat up and looked at him with a blank expression on my face.

"What are you doing in my room?"

He smircked. "That's a nice way to great somebody first thing in the morning."

I shifted and stood up out of my bed. i walked over to my closet and flipped through my clothes looking for an outfit to wear for the day. I walked into my bathroom and changed.


I walked out and sat next to Nick.

"So curly. What are you doing today?"

"Oh so we are using nicnames huh Chelste?"

My eyes grew huge at that last statement.

"What did you just call me?"

"I called you Chelste. Since we are using nicnames I figured Chelste is perfect for you. Since you remind me so much of her."

I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"So. I was thinking that if your not busy today you would want to hang out. I don't care what we do, just ya know... hang out."

I laughed as I played my schedule in my head. I realized that I had a cd signing today.

"I wish I could but... I have a doctors appointment. I'm sorry."

Nick looked heart broken. Suprises me for the simple fact he has a thing for Chelste.

"That's ok. Me and my bros will just have to go with our original plan. I was gonna suprise Chelste at her cd signing today and ask her out on a date. Do you think I should?"

I didn't want to hurt him and tell him no. Because I knew exactly what she would say.

"You would be a fool if you didn't."