Alter Ego

Chapter 8

I had been sitting in the same hard, uncomfortable, plastic chair for the last 3 hours. I honestly didn't know how my hand wasn't ready to fall off. I was amazed at how many pople had showed up. But there was only one person Iwas looking forward to seeing, and he was sitting in my dressing room.

While I was waiting for the next person to come up to the table, I turned to Amy and asked how many more I had left to do.

She gave me a suck it up look, which made me kinda mad. I mean come on she hasn't been the one signing things endlessy for the last 3 hours. Her hand was fine,and she said "only 10 more left."

I breathed out a sigh of relief as the next person stepped up. I looked up and noticed that it was a boy around my age. Not typically who was at these things.

"Hey" I said "Whats your name?"

"Umm... mines Ryland but I am here for my little sister. She couldn't make it. She had piano practice. Her name is Lindsay." He looked down at his feet probably thinking he was lame for being here. I thought it was sweet.

"Thats really sweet of you to come for her. You are brave risking a run in with my fans," I said laughing knowing how they can get.

"Yeah she was really bummed she couldn't come. You are her idol." he said chuckling.

"Well it's always good to hear that I am. Tell her I wish she could have came" I said, handed him back the CD.

"I will. Thank you for this." He said gesturing to the CD in his hands as he walked away.

I finished the signing shortly after Ryland had left. I started walking toward my dressing room. OK, ok It was more like speed walking. SUE ME. But I mean it's Nick Jonas for crying out loud, you know you would have too..

I opened the door to see the boys sitting on the couch in a heated conversation about something to do with tour. I think it had to do with song onder. I cleared my throat and the talking stopped and they all looked at me. Deja Vu or what?

"Hey guys" I said as I grabbed a vitamin water and sat next to Nick.

He looked at me and smiled "Hey Chelste" I could tell he was trying to act all smooth and he was totally pulling it off.

"Are you free now or do you have something else to do? Joe asked me.

"Umm I'm free. what did you have in mind?" I said suspiciously.

"Well I was thinking movies and then bowling." Kevin said.

"Dude don't even try and claim that, it was my idea in the first place." Nick said overdramaticly.

"Guys chill I don't care who's idea it was. It sounds like fun!"I said excitedly. I knew this was going to be a blast.

"Alright lets blow this popsicle stand!" Joe said smartly. We all looked at him oddly. "Oh don't even look at me like that, you know I totally just pulled that off."

"Whatever you say little bro, whatever you say." Kevin said, picking up his keys and exiting the room. Joe ran after him trying to convince Kevin that he could make it cool, leaving me and Nick alone.

"So..." I said awkwardy.

"So." He said back.

"Should we follow or just stay here?" I asked hoping he would choose the second option.

"We should probably follow them. But first I have a question for you. Would you maybe want to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?" He asked quietly fearing my answer.

"Hold on let me make sure I'm free." I said as I pulled me PDA out, checking my calendar. He waited patiently as I did so. "Well it looks like you got yourself a date Mister Jonas" I said smiling as I turned and followed his Brothers out the door leaving him to stare after me with a look of awe on his face.