‹ Prequel: Where's the Heart?

Love is a Two Way Street

Can't Go On

I thought my little "issue" would get better with time, but it only got worse! I had actually attacked Nathan once, the poor boy, trying to rip his shirt off! That had been really embarrassing!

And Edwin had only gotten more persistent. He even had pinned me to the wall of the hallway upstairs and started making out with me. He had had no shirt on and when he took off mine, I had actually reached for his pants. Goodness, and then I had gotten them unzipped before getting a hold of myself and pushing him off!

It really got harder to get a grip when Edwin was always around me--all day, every day. I really had no alone time at all! It didn't help that I couldn't sleep anymore, so I was awake all day and with Edwin.

I think Edwin got rid of all of his shirts because whenever I was cleaning, he was hanging around me half-naked! Oh, and he was always provoking me, trying to make me slip up and sleep with that monster! It was truly a miracle that I had made it for another week without throwing myself at him.

"I can't take this anymore!" I told Nathan, throwing myself onto the floor. "It's impossible!"

"What's impossible? Calm down!"

"I can't go on! I swear, I'm just going to have sex with the guy and get it over with!"

"Do you think that'll make it better? It'll do the opposite! But, to be honest, I'm surprised you've made it this long. God, it's probably so hard because the last thing you did before Ed changed you was have freaking sex with Gage! You dug your grave there, girl."

"Damn Gage to hell for sleeping with me," I groaned.

"But if you think it's hard now, just wait until you're in heat!"

"What now?"

"Well, it's like when animals are ready to mate. They know when they are, so just imagine when it happens to you! Not to mention that Edwin will be all over you."

"Oh, joy! Life is just working out wonderfully for me!" I cried. "Will you be my bodyguard?" I was so out of it.

"Hell no! I don't wanna be in the way of Edwin when he knows you're physically able!"

"Oh, God. He's that bad?"

"How should I know? He's never had a woman around when it was her time. I'm joking with you--lighten up!" He laughed.

"You have morbid humor!" I complained.

"Look, just get out of the house or something." Nathan pushed me out the door.

"Hi, Jade."

Not this again...